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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Las of Us & Halo 4 Raise the Bar for Console Graphics.

I dont know what you guys think but im blown away by those games.

Halo 4:

Last os Us:

Those are the Official links for Playstation and Xbox Channels.

While Crysis 3 also look amazing i dont know if they were playing on Xbox or a Pc with Xbox Controller but i have no doubts Crysis 3 will also be a top dog.

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The Last of Us:
Beautifull mixed with realism.

Halo 4: Beautifull mixed with vibrant colors.

God of War: Ascension: Beautifull mixed with blood.

This gen is ending on a beautifull note ;)

I think both games look absolutely gorgeous (although I think The Last of us will end up having at least slightly better graphics than Halo 4)

Honourable mention goes to Unfinished Swan

But shame on you folks for forgetting Watch_Dogs

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

I think Beyond impressed me the most graphically, the character models were very uncanny valley.

They're all also a good example that we really don't need new consoles at least for another year or two. Sure they run at 720p and 30fps but they still looked stunning. Smoke and mirrors never hurt anyone in videogames.

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Ajescent said:
Honourable mention goes to Unfinished Swan

But shame on you folks for forgetting Watch_Dogs

Watch_Dogs was almost definitely running on a high end PC, though.

The Last of Us raises the bar in all areas (immersion, graphics, organic movement, AI, human realism)
Halo 4 raises the bar in colors, worlds, enemies, graphics.

Halo 4 doesn't look THAT great to me graphically. Definitely looks nice, but I wouldn't put it on the top.

some are easily impressed by linear and quick time event

badgenome said:
Ajescent said:
Honourable mention goes to Unfinished Swan

But shame on you folks for forgetting Watch_Dogs

Watch_Dogs was almost definitely running on a high end PC, though.

Rubbish, in my haste to add that caveat, I forgot to add that caveat.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?