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Forums - Gaming Discussion - gamrConnect Most Wanted: June 2012

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whoa! for the first time in a long time, a Non-Nintendo game is top!

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

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damn my Darksiders 2 thread is not working get hype people!

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

I think I'm done. I'm saving the next Voting thread for tomorrow. Until then, discuss!

Love and tolerate.

axumblade said:
Fallout 4 was announced? I did not know this....O.o

it was hinted at years ago but it hasn't been announced no, doesn't stop people wanting it tho lol

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

Excellent as always Salnax. Well done.

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I forgot to vote, interesting results though!

360 actually had a fairly strong showing considering the fanbase on this site.

axumblade said:
zarx said:
axumblade said:
Fallout 4 was announced? I did not know this....O.o

it was hinted at years ago but it hasn't been announced no, doesn't stop people wanting it tho lol

I thought it had to be announced to be counted as a vote...It's probably going to be announced at e3 or something anyway. :p It's been 2 years since NV (which came out 2 years after Fallout 3) so it's about time for a new announcement.

NV was done by Obsidian tho, Fallout 4 will be done by Bethesda softworks so it probably only entered full production late last year as Skyrim was rapped up. It probably won't be out until 2014 as they will need to bring their engine up to next gen spec. Expect the announcement next E3 when MS is pushing games for the next box.

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

axumblade said:

Hrm. Good point. I still have to say Fallout 4 shouldn't be in the list then if they don't have a reveal next time. Just like...I can anticipate Uncharted 4 but until it's announced the vote won't count.

Maybe but it's more likely to come out than The last Guardian and Final Fantasy Vs XIII

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

axumblade said:

Oh you.....

Those were announced though and we are sometimes thrown a trailer to give us a glimmer of hope the games are still in development. Fallout 4 doesn't even have leaked screenshots yet. :P

from the fallout 4 wiki

"In 2008, Bethesda's Pete Hines said: "The whole reason we went out and acquired the license and that we now own Fallout is that we clearly intended to make more than one". He also added: "This is not something we're going to do once and then go away and never do it again. When that will be or how long that will be God only knows, but we acquired it specifically because we wanted to own it and develop it and work on it like we do with The Elder Scrolls"."

"In August 2010, Todd Howard revealed in an interview with Eurogamer that Bethesda was working on two projects; one had been in development for 2 years (beginning after Fallout 3 was released), and the other was still in pre-production. It's now known that the title farther along in development was The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. There is still no confirmation on what the second game is."

"When asked to give hints as to the setting of the next Fallout game, Jason Bergman said (translated from Norwegian), "You'll get no tips from me. But the Mojave Wasteland was a fun place to explore, wasn't it?"."

I guess Salnax considers that enough of an announcement 

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

zarx said:
axumblade said:

Oh you.....

Those were announced though and we are sometimes thrown a trailer to give us a glimmer of hope the games are still in development. Fallout 4 doesn't even have leaked screenshots yet. :P

from the fallout 4 wiki

"In 2008, Bethesda's Pete Hines said: "The whole reason we went out and acquired the license and that we now own Fallout is that we clearly intended to make more than one". He also added: "This is not something we're going to do once and then go away and never do it again. When that will be or how long that will be God only knows, but we acquired it specifically because we wanted to own it and develop it and work on it like we do with The Elder Scrolls"."

"In August 2010, Todd Howard revealed in an interview with Eurogamer that Bethesda was working on two projects; one had been in development for 2 years (beginning after Fallout 3 was released), and the other was still in pre-production. It's now known that the title farther along in development was The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. There is still no confirmation on what the second game is."

"When asked to give hints as to the setting of the next Fallout game, Jason Bergman said (translated from Norwegian), "You'll get no tips from me. But the Mojave Wasteland was a fun place to explore, wasn't it?"."

I guess Salnax considers that enough of an announcement 

In all honesty, I had a brain fart and thought Fallout 4 was officially announced a little while back.

Love and tolerate.