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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Capcom Summer Jam Thread! Monster Hunter 4 Spring 2013 release date! Official Trailer inside! First footage ever for PS3 Resident Evil 6!

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I will not post anything not Capcom summer jam related

Ok 11 61.11%
Ok 4 22.22%

Yeah there is probably a better chance of 4 being localized than 3G

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Does MH4 have online? if it does then maybe they will bring it to the west since just having the online will appeal to more people here

Nintendo and PC gamer

Off topic comment XD

Since this generation began it was clear that 3rd party exclusives were dying, and yet in the handheld environment things have not changed. And that thing is quite amusing.

Even though I dislike most nintendo related things, I have to admit that by how MH4 looks in the video; in japan it will sell the 3DS like crazy.

I wonder why the game is not being developed also for the PSVITA. "Exclusivity deals" dont really justify it because even though the company may end up getting lots of money in the short term, in a long term perspective they are denying to themselves the possibility of a bigger user-base and millions of more sales, which will make way more money than any exclusivity deal (unless nintendo pays CAPCOM 100M which I doubt they will).

Oh well, that is what I think :|

Nobody here speaks English and Japanese do they?

TheKingofRedLions said:

Nobody here speaks English and Japanese do they?

I only know a little bit of Japanese and when those two girls were on the stage, the parts I understood were mostly the silliness between the two and sometimes the audience.

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Resident Evil 6 now... I think someone will play it.

Hey Vic or anyone
Was the EXtrooper footage from the 3ds version?

Significant_leap said:
Hey Vic or anyone
Was the EXtrooper footage from the 3ds version?



New weapon/set for MH3G

Cobretti2 said:
logic56 said:
VicViper said:
logic56 said:
@ MH4 so how bad does this look compared to the psp versions?

*wait people thinks this looks good* damn.....smh

I don't know, never played a PSP version.

From what people said it looks more or less the same, but the areas look way bigger, maybe open world. Loading is apparently constant in older games. There's more monsters on-screen too, fighting each other now.

Anyway, me and you know that what will really look good are the sales.

those poor poor MH fans

and for comparision sake


forcing people to buy new(old) hardware for a game they could have got and been no different on a system they already own.....shame on you Capcom shame on you

crying much with the forcing statement?

How you think Nintendo fans felt when stuff liek Final Fantasy jumped ship to sony? Most adapted and baught playstations.

If you are a real fan of the series you will buy it no matter where it lands.

Final Fantasy 7 was a monumental change in the franchise, marking an end to an era and the birth of a new

this shit adds shadows -_-