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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Capcom Summer Jam Thread! Monster Hunter 4 Spring 2013 release date! Official Trailer inside! First footage ever for PS3 Resident Evil 6!

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Ok 11 61.11%
Ok 4 22.22%

The game looks fun!
1 year more of dev time can improve any hard edges.

Anyway, everybody knows MH is more important for what it represents than by the game itself.
The series sold what... 5,6, 7 million PSPs by itself? Yeah, pretty big. Even though this version will come too and I'm interested to play, I'm more interested in its sales and how it'll affect the portable market.

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EX Troopers look great too!

Iwata already showed the 3DS version before, but it continues to look very stylish.

leatherhat said:
You guys realize that if there is no vita version westerners won't get to play it right? Or are you just more psyched for the 3ds sales boost than actually playing the game?

just like westerns did not get to play final fantasy on ps1 when it jumped from nintendo platform to playsation?

if people want to play a game bad enough they will get the system it is on. if MH4 isn't enough for them to get a 3ds clearly MH game is jsut a nice to have addition on the ps vita library to them.



VicViper said:

Official Trailer is up!

Yeah, 3DS logo... see ya later guyzzz

Some people are complaining about textures, really?

Look again, with some exceptions they look fine, 3DS screen, even XL is way smaller than this video also, it'll improve quality because of that too. And the monsters looks awesome.

Watch the trailer without nit-picking graphics! Try it. Looks fantastic and exciting.
(but the more complaining, more pressure on capcom to improve it, so maybe complains should continue)

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VicViper said:

Some people are complaining about textures, really?

Look again, with some exceptions they look fine, 3DS screen, even XL is way smaller than this video also, it'll improve quality because of that too. And the monsters looks awesome.

Watch the trailer without nit-picking graphics! Try it. Looks fantastic and exciting.
(but the more complaining, more pressure on capcom to improve it, so maybe complains should continue)

The complaints I'm seeing, they're more trying to push capcom to release it for Vita instead of 3DS.  

cyberninja45 said:
MDMAlliance said:
VicViper said:
Look at those graphics!

Amazing for the 3DS!

Yeah, that had me wondering... "is this really a 3DS exclusive?"

With the XL coming out, there is absolutely no real reason to play this on a vita. The 3d, (similar?) main screen size, second screen(touch inventory,huge map not blocking main screen), better battary life etc. The only thing the vita has is the second analog(better than a virtual d-pad) and even that is eliminated with the XL circle pad pro.

So really the very last thing vita has for this game is the screen resolution.

I thought the vita had a longer screen and yes, I also thought it had a higher resolution. I guess, the arguement could go both ways and the outcome is only dependant on whether a person already owns the competing handheld.(All of this based on that guys musing over whether it is actually exclusive)

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius

@ MH4 so how bad does this look compared to the psp versions?

*wait people thinks this looks good* damn.....smh

spurgeonryan said:
Vita is more powerful, but so is the PS3 over the 360. 360 games still look pretty sweet, the same with this 3DS game. How bout we give it a year of development time?

PS3 is to 360 what PS2 was to Xbox

3DS is to Vita What Wii is to PS3

watching gameplay of the psp versions makes this even more a complete waste

so how long do the fans have to wait for the actual next gen version MH, I pray is not multiplat or there wont be a point

logic56 said:
@ MH4 so how bad does this look compared to the psp versions?

*wait people thinks this looks good* damn.....smh

I don't know, never played a PSP version.

From what people said it looks more or less the same, but the areas look way bigger, maybe open world. Loading is apparently constant in older games. There's more monsters on-screen too, fighting each other now.

Anyway, me and you know that what will really look good are the sales.