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walsufnir said:

keeping in mind how old they are these 3 games have to considered as true art, especially in terms of storytelling and game-depth. the graphics look ugly now and the sound seems terrible, but, as mentioned above, the great opening scene in VI should appeal to any gamer.

perhaps i'm just too old :)

I'm playing VI now, I'm 6 hours in and I've lost interest in it, haven't touched it for a few months. If that opening scene was great, then maybe I'm not suited for this game.

Hopefully when I get further into the game I'll think it's better, and then I'll grow to appreciate the start.

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brendude13 said:
walsufnir said:

keeping in mind how old they are these 3 games have to considered as true art, especially in terms of storytelling and game-depth. the graphics look ugly now and the sound seems terrible, but, as mentioned above, the great opening scene in VI should appeal to any gamer.

perhaps i'm just too old :)

I'm playing VI now, I'm 6 hours in and I've lost interest in it, haven't touched it for a few months. If that opening scene was great, then maybe I'm not suited for this game.

Like most classic final fantasies, you only really get in after at least 1/3rd into the game (some 20 hours in). When I played Final Fantasy VIII, I was discouraged 3 times with large breaks in between where I said to myself I wouldn't play it before I actually got to the point where I didn't want to stop. (disk 2)

In FFVI, there is a similar point where you just don't want to stop, but I don't know if you've reached it yet. (I wouldn't think so)

I think that moment, for me at least, was around when I heard this music for the first time:

happydolphin said:
brendude13 said:
walsufnir said:

keeping in mind how old they are these 3 games have to considered as true art, especially in terms of storytelling and game-depth. the graphics look ugly now and the sound seems terrible, but, as mentioned above, the great opening scene in VI should appeal to any gamer.

perhaps i'm just too old :)

I'm playing VI now, I'm 6 hours in and I've lost interest in it, haven't touched it for a few months. If that opening scene was great, then maybe I'm not suited for this game.

Like most classic final fantasies, you only really get in after at least 1/3rd into the game (some 20 hours in). When I played Final Fantasy VIII, I was discouraged 3 times with large breaks in between where I said to myself I wouldn't play it before I actually got to the point where I didn't want to stop. (disk 2)

In FFVI, there is a similar point where you just don't want to stop, but I don't know if you've reached it yet. (I wouldn't think so)

I think that moment, for me at least, was around when I heard this music for the first time:

Yeah, I just edited my original post to put that in. That's happened to me so many times, I've hated the start of a game, grew to love it, and when I replayed the start it still seemed great. It happened with Skyrim, the first day I said I regretted my purchase, by the end of the week I had clocked in around 50 hours.

It's sad to think that even the worst FF game is still better then most games made.... no wait, not sad, great.

Love 6-9. Never really experienced 1-5 as graphics put me off, even though I do own relaunch PS1 versions. No FF3 though. Wouldn't class FFX as classic though, it changed and removed many features that I'd deem Final Fantasy so it was the start of the downward slump. Even if it is an amazing game. Just like FFXII was an amazing game in it's own right, FF esqu or not.

Would love them to remake FFVI though, new graphics but same gameplay and battle system.

I have a love of the FFVII's story but they ruined it with the newer games, after the end of FFVII you are left not knowing what true happened other then it was out of the heroes hands now. A final ending after credits just gave an impression, the newer games and film just ruined what my perfect vision of the ending was. Shame.

Hmm, pie.

The Fury said:
It's sad to think that even the worst FF game is still better then most games made.... no wait, not sad, great.

Love 6-9. Never really experienced 1-5 as graphics put me off, even though I do own relaunch PS1 versions. No FF3 though. Wouldn't class FFX as classic though, it changed and removed many features that I'd deem Final Fantasy so it was the start of the downward slump. Even if it is an amazing game. Just like FFXII was an amazing game in it's own right, FF esqu or not.

Would love them to remake FFVI though, new graphics but same gameplay and battle system.

I have a love of the FFVII's story but they ruined it with the newer games, after the end of FFVII you are left not knowing what true happened other then it was out of the heroes hands now. A final ending after credits just gave an impression, the newer games and film just ruined what my perfect vision of the ending was. Shame.

What did you think of Crisis Core? Or haven't you played it?

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walsufnir said:
Runa216 said:
Final Fantasy VI is my favorite for many reasons:

1 - no central main character, almost ALL of them are deep and well developed.
2 - LOTS of different characters with distinct play styles, equipment loadouts, weapons, skills, etc
3 - Best villain in a game, ever
4 - LOADS of sidequests. in fact the entire second half of the game is nonlinear and optional
5 - Fantastic story with loads of twists and turns, reveals, and shifting allegiences.
6 - Maybe the best score in a FF game...but it's got some persistently good competition from many others

I just think it's so fresh compared to the others, with less linearity, optional characters/events, and oh my god Kefka is such a memorable villain. who cares if he's loosely based off The Joker, it's fantastic, maniacal, and successful! there were so many little nuances and quirks to the game (like killing doomtrain with a phoenix down) as well as high concepts like going into Cyan's mind to confront and defeat his demons. To this day I haven't unlocked everything or figured everything out.

yes, kefka was such a good villain :) but i cannot decide who "wins" for me - kefka or sephiroth.

but yes, VI was just perfect. there is not a simple thing that i dislike at VI. i would love to play it again with modern graphics and sound when  both can keep up the style and atmosphere from the original.

You know the funniest thing?  Final Fantasy VII is my second favorite FF game, yet I really don't like Sephiroth as a villain.  as I once read, Sephiroth is a neo-pagan environmentalist with an oedipus complex, delusions of grandeur, and a sweet wardrobe.  

Before he went crazy, he was interesting, but once he turns to the dark side, obsessed with Jenova and the rebirth of the planet and the ancients and stuff, well, he just became an empty shell of generic baddie that happened to LOOK cool. 

Kefka, on the other hand, poisons a town's water supply and laughs maniacally as each and every man, woman, and child falls down dead...and even kills his own troops if they get in his way.  

You know, now that I think about it, I actually think VI was the only FF with a truly menacing and memorable villain.  Sephiroth was as I said a neo-pagan with mommy issues, Ultimecia was barely in the game, etc.  Some of the other villains were good, but none were actually the final villains. Kuja was pretty good, but was being manipulated, Adel and Edea were again being manipulated by ultmecia, I don't even remember WHO was the boss in XII.  Jecht was cool, but again with Yu Yevon, I don't remember who the villain was in IV, Garland controlled by Chaos, etc...see what I mean?  They should really mix this up a bit! 

In retrospect, Sephiroth was easily the second best villain...

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brendude13 said:
happydolphin said:
brendude13 said:
walsufnir said:

keeping in mind how old they are these 3 games have to considered as true art, especially in terms of storytelling and game-depth. the graphics look ugly now and the sound seems terrible, but, as mentioned above, the great opening scene in VI should appeal to any gamer.

perhaps i'm just too old :)

I'm playing VI now, I'm 6 hours in and I've lost interest in it, haven't touched it for a few months. If that opening scene was great, then maybe I'm not suited for this game.

Like most classic final fantasies, you only really get in after at least 1/3rd into the game (some 20 hours in). When I played Final Fantasy VIII, I was discouraged 3 times with large breaks in between where I said to myself I wouldn't play it before I actually got to the point where I didn't want to stop. (disk 2)

In FFVI, there is a similar point where you just don't want to stop, but I don't know if you've reached it yet. (I wouldn't think so)

I think that moment, for me at least, was around when I heard this music for the first time:


Yeah, I just edited my original post to put that in. That's happened to me so many times, I've hated the start of a game, grew to love it, and when I replayed the start it still seemed great. It happened with Skyrim, the first day I said I regretted my purchase, by the end of the week I had clocked in around 50 hours.

That was the same problem I had with Fallout 3. I enjoyed the first 10 hours, then I got bored. After 6 months I came back to it, and now I have clocked well over 100 hours in the game, and I still feel there is so much I have left untouched.

Maybe I need to give FF VIII, FF IX, and FF XIII another go. My problems with FF VIII and FF IX were that I only got a week to play each of them, during winter break in college. But I also had other things going on, so I never got back to either of them. FF XIII bored me to tears, but the battle system was pretty good. Maybe I need to give it another go, but with so many other games in my backlog, it probably won't be any time soon.

Hey has anyone played Cuthulu Saves the World? I'm wondering how good it is.

Runa216 said:
walsufnir said:
Runa216 said:
Final Fantasy VI is my favorite for many reasons:

1 - no central main character, almost ALL of them are deep and well developed.
2 - LOTS of different characters with distinct play styles, equipment loadouts, weapons, skills, etc
3 - Best villain in a game, ever
4 - LOADS of sidequests. in fact the entire second half of the game is nonlinear and optional
5 - Fantastic story with loads of twists and turns, reveals, and shifting allegiences.
6 - Maybe the best score in a FF game...but it's got some persistently good competition from many others

I just think it's so fresh compared to the others, with less linearity, optional characters/events, and oh my god Kefka is such a memorable villain. who cares if he's loosely based off The Joker, it's fantastic, maniacal, and successful! there were so many little nuances and quirks to the game (like killing doomtrain with a phoenix down) as well as high concepts like going into Cyan's mind to confront and defeat his demons. To this day I haven't unlocked everything or figured everything out.

yes, kefka was such a good villain :) but i cannot decide who "wins" for me - kefka or sephiroth.

but yes, VI was just perfect. there is not a simple thing that i dislike at VI. i would love to play it again with modern graphics and sound when  both can keep up the style and atmosphere from the original.

You know the funniest thing?  Final Fantasy VII is my second favorite FF game, yet I really don't like Sephiroth as a villain.  as I once read, Sephiroth is a neo-pagan environmentalist with an oedipus complex, delusions of grandeur, and a sweet wardrobe.  

Before he went crazy, he was interesting, but once he turns to the dark side, obsessed with Jenova and the rebirth of the planet and the ancients and stuff, well, he just became an empty shell of generic baddie that happened to LOOK cool. 

Kefka, on the other hand, poisons a town's water supply and laughs maniacally as each and every man, woman, and child falls down dead...and even kills his own troops if they get in his way.  

You know, now that I think about it, I actually think VI was the only FF with a truly menacing and memorable villain.  Sephiroth was as I said a neo-pagan with mommy issues, Ultimecia was barely in the game, etc.  Some of the other villains were good, but none were actually the final villains. Kuja was pretty good, but was being manipulated, Adel and Edea were again being manipulated by ultmecia, I don't even remember WHO was the boss in XII.  Jecht was cool, but again with Yu Yevon, I don't remember who the villain was in IV, Garland controlled by Chaos, etc...see what I mean?  They should really mix this up a bit! 

In retrospect, Sephiroth was easily the second best villain...

I would agree that Kefka was the best villian in the FF series. And I am glad for one that there was no voice acting in that game. His lack of voice was able to make our imaginations run wild. The only place in FF VI I always wished there was voice acting was the Opera sceen. The midi voice for Celes when she sings.

Also Kefka had an awesome theme.

WiiBox3 said:
Runa216 said:
walsufnir said:
Runa216 said:
Final Fantasy VI is my favorite for many reasons:

1 - no central main character, almost ALL of them are deep and well developed.
2 - LOTS of different characters with distinct play styles, equipment loadouts, weapons, skills, etc
3 - Best villain in a game, ever
4 - LOADS of sidequests. in fact the entire second half of the game is nonlinear and optional
5 - Fantastic story with loads of twists and turns, reveals, and shifting allegiences.
6 - Maybe the best score in a FF game...but it's got some persistently good competition from many others

I just think it's so fresh compared to the others, with less linearity, optional characters/events, and oh my god Kefka is such a memorable villain. who cares if he's loosely based off The Joker, it's fantastic, maniacal, and successful! there were so many little nuances and quirks to the game (like killing doomtrain with a phoenix down) as well as high concepts like going into Cyan's mind to confront and defeat his demons. To this day I haven't unlocked everything or figured everything out.

yes, kefka was such a good villain :) but i cannot decide who "wins" for me - kefka or sephiroth.

but yes, VI was just perfect. there is not a simple thing that i dislike at VI. i would love to play it again with modern graphics and sound when  both can keep up the style and atmosphere from the original.

You know the funniest thing?  Final Fantasy VII is my second favorite FF game, yet I really don't like Sephiroth as a villain.  as I once read, Sephiroth is a neo-pagan environmentalist with an oedipus complex, delusions of grandeur, and a sweet wardrobe.  

Before he went crazy, he was interesting, but once he turns to the dark side, obsessed with Jenova and the rebirth of the planet and the ancients and stuff, well, he just became an empty shell of generic baddie that happened to LOOK cool. 

Kefka, on the other hand, poisons a town's water supply and laughs maniacally as each and every man, woman, and child falls down dead...and even kills his own troops if they get in his way.  

You know, now that I think about it, I actually think VI was the only FF with a truly menacing and memorable villain.  Sephiroth was as I said a neo-pagan with mommy issues, Ultimecia was barely in the game, etc.  Some of the other villains were good, but none were actually the final villains. Kuja was pretty good, but was being manipulated, Adel and Edea were again being manipulated by ultmecia, I don't even remember WHO was the boss in XII.  Jecht was cool, but again with Yu Yevon, I don't remember who the villain was in IV, Garland controlled by Chaos, etc...see what I mean?  They should really mix this up a bit! 

In retrospect, Sephiroth was easily the second best villain...

I would agree that Kefka was the best villian in the FF series. And I am glad for one that there was no voice acting in that game. His lack of voice was able to make our imaginations run wild. The only place in FF VI I always wished there was voice acting was the Opera sceen. The midi voice for Celes when she sings.

Also Kefka had an awesome theme.


How cool would it have been if this version was playing during the opera scene?

Signature goes here!

@Runa: The vilain in IV was Zemus/Zeromus who was manipulating Golbez.

Signature goes here!