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It's sad to think that even the worst FF game is still better then most games made.... no wait, not sad, great.

Love 6-9. Never really experienced 1-5 as graphics put me off, even though I do own relaunch PS1 versions. No FF3 though. Wouldn't class FFX as classic though, it changed and removed many features that I'd deem Final Fantasy so it was the start of the downward slump. Even if it is an amazing game. Just like FFXII was an amazing game in it's own right, FF esqu or not.

Would love them to remake FFVI though, new graphics but same gameplay and battle system.

I have a love of the FFVII's story but they ruined it with the newer games, after the end of FFVII you are left not knowing what true happened other then it was out of the heroes hands now. A final ending after credits just gave an impression, the newer games and film just ruined what my perfect vision of the ending was. Shame.

Hmm, pie.