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Forums - Website Topics - I thought we were suppose to be working to return some quality back here?

Euphoria14 said:
Vita thread actually has game discussion. Everything else is offtopic or "Vita sucks".

See, some of us here actually like videogames.

I actually think that people who like Vita are the ones who say most it sucks, in all seriousness. It occurs from time to time from MS fans or Nintendo fans, but most "Vita has no gaemz", "vita is DOOMed" etc comes from the mouths of the Vita fans.

Not kidding, dooming yourself is great, makes you feel like this:

Oh, we're above those petty things! We like games.

(when in reality, everyone's and every community is more or like the same, we just like to show off to each other)

I say this all the time, this "see doom everywhere" is what ruining VG chartz. MC threads does not have a single Vita fan there - but I guess saying Vita had it's worst week ever is doom, not a fact.

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Khuutra said:

Interesting news isn't going to be enough if it's posted about in the current fashion.

True. Can't really disagree with anything you said here.

New rules are needed on thread creation and I personally think we have too many (sub)forums.

Sales Forum - All sales related topics

Gaming Forum - Multiplat gaming topics

Nintendo/ PlayStation/ Xbox Forums

Non-Videogame discussion/games (aka Offtopic)

All those, put into a hot-topics box, with you able to seamlessly switch between what forum you wanna visit. "News" threads, that compile everything into 1 thread, should be handled well. The Vita thread is brilliant. It focuses on Vita and theres noghing else like it. Having 3 seperate Nintendo news threads... Is a ballache. Thread creation certainly needs a good looking over.


Carl2291 said:
Khuutra said:

Interesting news isn't going to be enough if it's posted about in the current fashion.

True. Can't really disagree with anything you said here.

New rules are needed on thread creation and I personally think we have too many (sub)forums.

Sales Forum - All sales related topics

Gaming Forum - Multiplat gaming topics

Nintendo/ PlayStation/ Xbox Forums

Non-Videogame discussion/games (aka Offtopic)

All those, put into a hot-topics box, with you able to seamlessly switch between what forum you wanna visit. "News" threads, that compile everything into 1 thread, should be handled well. The Vita thread is brilliant. It focuses on Vita and theres noghing else like it. Having 3 seperate Nintendo news threads... Is a ballache. Thread creation certainly needs a good looking over.

Things changed when actual sales graphs disappeared. Bring those back in order to conduct game sales comparison and you get a lot more topics to discuss.

Removing that takes some of the 'Chartz' out of VGChartz.......

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

ioi said a bunch of tools will be put back into the site... Which tools, and how much use they'll have, I don't know.

Site split - VGChartz will become more about sales, so it has to be substantial as all we have now is a skeleton of previous Years.


I think Spurge is drunk.

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Those examples are said in jest. I am referring more to the "why did sony release the vita?" and other threads that only contain vita doubt. Most are made by people who openly expressed zero interest in getting a vita. If these people checked the rapid amount of games being announced they would see that from a "gamers" perspective the vita is fine.

Just shows where discussions on this site go. It is true that when it comes to actual productive gaming chatter, this forum is seriously lacking.

Maybe it is the route things take at a sales site. Must admit it isn't enjoyable though.

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As for not joining mc threads, what's the issue? They aren't going in there bitching about people or what they say.

Some just choose not to focus on the sales and join those discussions. I check the MC thread at 11:15 every Wednesday but don't really post. Maybe vita owners lurk.

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Euphoria14 said:

Those examples are said in jest. I am referring more to the "why did sony release the vita?" and other threads that only contain vita doubt. Most are made by people who openly expressed zero interest in getting a vita. If these people checked the rapid amount of games being announced they would see that from a "gamers" perspective the vita is fine.

Just shows where discussions on this site go. It is true that when it comes to actual productive gaming chatter, this forum is seriously lacking.

Maybe it is the route things take at a sales site. Must admit it isn't enjoyable though.

I know they're said in jest. But my point is that there is more responses to Doom than necessary. Vita fans say this so many times it almost seen like an epidemic problem in the site when it's not. "Vita has no gaemz" is the worst, who said that to become such a mantra to vita fans- is this still a PS3 thing?  It's one bad post here and a shit thread (like that one you posted) there and 50 people answering to that, and being mad at that, generalizing everyone else (especially people who has negative views about something -  like I do about Vita japanese sales). It happens in some other threads, but I think life goes on - for example, one single post by Turkish gets 100 quotes, but nobody close themselves from the whole site for that. It may look like a big problem... but it's not, it's just Turkish! Ignore those - you'll see they're not too many.

And one thing people need to understand also. Every single system gets doomed. People are saying 3DS didn't got as much doom as Vita. I can agree to that, but it took a lot too. But since Vita is selling less than 3DS did, don't you think it's expected or even "fair" (those are some very big quotes, don't take that word literaly) that people doom Vita more?

I remember the 3ds doom. I just hoped we would have realized what happened afterwards and end this continuous cycle of crap.

One day hopefully.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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New hardware, E3 is not gonna change the sites focus on trash. Alot of this shit has been goin for years and its get worse as we get new members. It normal for new members to feel intimated about real discussion so they participate in Spam threads in there fledging time. Alot have not grown outta phase. If we cut this shit now that alls member/New members will have to participate in more productive threads