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Euphoria14 said:
Vita thread actually has game discussion. Everything else is offtopic or "Vita sucks".

See, some of us here actually like videogames.

I actually think that people who like Vita are the ones who say most it sucks, in all seriousness. It occurs from time to time from MS fans or Nintendo fans, but most "Vita has no gaemz", "vita is DOOMed" etc comes from the mouths of the Vita fans.

Not kidding, dooming yourself is great, makes you feel like this:

Oh, we're above those petty things! We like games.

(when in reality, everyone's and every community is more or like the same, we just like to show off to each other)

I say this all the time, this "see doom everywhere" is what ruining VG chartz. MC threads does not have a single Vita fan there - but I guess saying Vita had it's worst week ever is doom, not a fact.