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Forums - Sony Discussion - What system sellers could PS Vita possibly have?

Runa216 said:

If what you see is a very narrow scope compared to what's actually out there, then yes, you are closeminded.  If what you want is immersion and depth, go outside.  Stop playing halo and go climb a tree.  go pick up a paintball gun and go to the local paintball place.  Go ride a bike or go for a walk.  do some sports, swim, explore.  Much more out there IRL than there is in any game.  I mean, if you're the kind who's all into immersion and stuff, why not go for the real thing? After actually killing someone for real, I can't imagine there's any reason to do it in a videogame! 


I'm not sure how to respond to this xD

Do you see how ignorant my statement seems to you?  that's how you look to people who like Handheld gaming devices.  Perspective is nice, eh? 

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Runa216 said:


I'm not sure how to respond to this xD

Do you see how ignorant my statement seems to you?  that's how you look to people who like Handheld gaming devices.  Perspective is nice, eh? 

That's completely unrelated. Of course there are people who like to have hardcore titles for their portable devices, but that doesn't make them 'many'.

To see how many exactly, we will have to wait. But I'm just expressing my opinion in this thread and I don't think that they are too many. Feel free to disagree, I don't mind.

BasilZero said:

Have to admit, your response was probably the best one close to what Pezus' was earlier XD


I don't see a single post from Pezus in this thread :S

(or are you talking about another one?)

homer said:
I want to see CoD before I make a decision on how well it will do. If a crappy psp version can sell so well before CoD was at its peak, I wonder how well a fully fleshed out title at the peak(or if you don't believe it as its peak, when CoD is extremely popular) for the vita would sell. With proper marketing, I think it could sell pretty well. I mean, the vita is an attractive product. The hardware is truly beautiful, it just lacks games and I think as for system sellers, cod will be a major factor in its success. Of course, I firmly believe that capcom will release a monster hunter on the vita despite their brief flirtation with Nintendo and GTA will come. Also, FF in its multiple genres and Gran Turismo will have an impact along with GoW and MGS. I think those are the main potential system sellers that are likely to have a sequel/adaptation on the vita. Of course, we m]ust anticipate what has yet to happen(new ips). I also would like to throw that I have been a firm believer that handheld gaming will shrink this gen compared to last gen. So I don't think either console will outsell their predeccessor although the 3ds does look like it is trying to prove me wrong but it still has a long ways to go, no doubt about that.

Pretty much this, plus Assassin's Creed

The Vita doesn't need any system sellers, it needs advertising. Like I have said many times before who have actually tried it almost always love it. Too bad it's a catch 22 as most people haven't used one so most people express their dislike meaning more people won't try it. The only real solution is advertising yet Sony sucks at that.

Games that I'd consider system sellers to the average gamer are Uncharted, Gravity Rush, and LBPV. Don't listen to reviews saying Uncharted GA is worse than the console ones, it's different. Bend realized what worked in 2 and 3 didn't always translate the best to a portable so they expanded on other aspects of the game. Gravity Rush is getting great reviews and is exclusive to Vita. That alone makes it have the potential to sell systems. LBPV is nothing like LBP PSP. Instead of removing a few features from the console ones they are adding them. Media Molecule has even out right stated LBPV surpasses what they achieved with 1 and 2, and they aren't even developing it. After E3 hopefully COD and the like can also be system sellers.

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Runa216 said:
Runa216 said:

If what you see is a very narrow scope compared to what's actually out there, then yes, you are closeminded.  If what you want is immersion and depth, go outside.  Stop playing halo and go climb a tree.  go pick up a paintball gun and go to the local paintball place.  Go ride a bike or go for a walk.  do some sports, swim, explore.  Much more out there IRL than there is in any game.  I mean, if you're the kind who's all into immersion and stuff, why not go for the real thing? After actually killing someone for real, I can't imagine there's any reason to do it in a videogame! 


I'm not sure how to respond to this xD

Do you see how ignorant my statement seems to you?  that's how you look to people who like Handheld gaming devices.  Perspective is nice, eh? 

Strawman and ad hominem

1. You can't just ask people around you and use that as evidence. That is not a legit means of polling. How many people? What kind of people? Is there possible bias in the survey(such as using a term like "big screen" instead of home console)? Are you only asking people you know? And for that matter, did you even ask?

2. What does it matter that people play casual or hardcore titles as long as they are playing? System sellers are both hardcore and casual.

3. My answer actally says that they can replace computers and phones. There are trade offs, but no different than using a phone as a computer. The Vita will be improving in functionality over time.

4. I mentioned the memory card price but I forgot to include that inflation has risen since the PSPs release. The Vita is not as expensive as everyone has been told to believe. The memory card is probably to blame for this. When the price was first announced it was received with praise. When looking at the hardware the price is also very affordable compared to other products with that capability, such as the iPad 3.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

Runa216 said:
Well lemme see here:

Uncharted was a huge seller on consoles, and golden Abyss is quite good
Resistance was at one point a huge seller, it's getting a sequel in a week
Call of Duty is THE seller, and it's getting an iteration on Vita (we'll see if it's new or a port soon)
Assassin's Creed is a huge seller, it'll be coming out on consoles
Grand Theft Auto is rumored to have a game in the works for Vita (rumored!)
Final Fantasy X HD will likely be a huge seller, as FFX was a quite successful game

Not to mention the waves of original content like Gravity Rush and Soul Sacrifice that could really push the system if they take off.

Yeah, they all have potential. Question is though if people are willing to spend money on both a home console version and a portable version with less content. Because that's a lot of money.

I guess we'll see soon enough.

They will if they want to play it on the road and if it's not available on consoles, like Golden Abyss and Bioshock Vita. And who says it has to have less content? LBPV is going to have more features than it's console counterparts. People clearly want Uncharted on PSV, it's sold 600k on a system that's only sold 2 million, Uncharted is probably near on around 800k if you count digital sales

Chark said:
1. You can't just ask people around you and use that as evidence. That is not a legit means of polling. How many people? What kind of people? Is there possible bias in the survey(such as using a term like "big screen" instead of home console)? Are you only asking people you know? And for that matter, did you even ask?

Don't play stupid. You would obviously ask whether they prefer the Vita version or the PS3 version.

2. What does it matter that people play casual or hardcore titles as long as they are playing? System sellers are both hardcore and casual.

Yes, but casuals mostly go for smartphones. There could be a casual system seller but the Vita is mainly aimed at hardcore gamers.

3. My answer actally says that they can replace computers and phones. There are trade offs, but no different than using a phone as a computer. The Vita will be improving in functionality over time.

Do you see yourself replacing any of them in the future?

4. I mentioned the memory card price but I forgot to include that inflation has risen since the PSPs release. The Vita is not as expensive as everyone has been told to believe. The memory card is probably to blame for this. When the price was first announced it was received with praise. When looking at the hardware the price is also very affordable compared to other products with that capability, such as the iPad 3.

And then there's the 3DS comparison that I mentioned. $80 less purely on hardware + no need for memory cards makes it way cheaper.

I want new IPs more than anything, even if they are not totally unique IPs. A variety of fresh IPs could also work collectively as system sellers.

As for system sellers, a legitimate, well-crafted shooter is their best bet for the western market, since we love shooters. Since the device is fairly new, it's up for grabs for any developer to stake their claim and establish themselves amongst Vita gamers. Even though there are plenty of shooters available for consoles, I think a high profile handheld shooter could bring something new to the table for shooter fans and could even be highly desirable for shooter fans.