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Forums - General Discussion - "Newcomer's Introduction Thread"- What brought you here?

Hi All

I recently joined this site not too long ago, however i have been a frequent visitor for the past couple of years, i used to browse through IGN to check the latest news and comments but i kind of fell out of love with IGN... When i found Vgzchartz.

I'm primarily a Sony gamer, im quite invested in their ecosystem so i guess you can refer to me as a fanboy, I also i have a little sweet spot for Nintendo.

Favorite Genres include Action Adventure, JRPGs, GRAN TURISMO! oh and fighting games Tekken being my favorite.

Well thats it for now, ill see you guys in the forums

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hi everyone!
i've been going to this site for about a year now and finally decided to get an account, I hope to have fun getting to know everyone

Hey everyone,

Today, I decided to be a part of this community! I've been checking out the sales and discussions for years. Honestly, I can't remember how it all started. I guess faith brought me here.

From today on, I will involve myself in the discussions and try to be so honest as possible.

If your interested in a few personal details. I am a Dutch student (wondering if there are more Dutch people on this site), who is studying Economic. I am specializing myself in the world markets, Especially the western countries. In multinational and poverty. One day, I hope to make a difference, while working for the government or a company. I disgust, the way companies or governments try to safe cash the easy way (cutting jobs, lowering the salary, raising texas, and so go on.) I want to make a difference where the low and mid class citizens aren't the victem.

Let's put that aside, I am a huge gamer that plays mainly on the Playstation 3 and computer. With all respect to Nintendo and Microsoft, but I can't afford their consoles. Or else I would have =)

See you soon, Helix Fossil

ps: Pokemon Red on Twitch made me realize who I should be on this site.

Once you entered you won't be the same anymore. A blog about life.

Hello all,

I have already started taking part in the community, but I thought I would properly introduce myself regardless. I imagine you may have guessed, but my name is Callum. I joined this site fairly recently in the run-up to the release of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One! Some year that has been hey!

My favourite games include Oblivion, Skyrim, Dragon Age: Origins (I enjoyed the second game but it was quite flawed), Mass Effect, and most other RPG's. I love anything in a fantasy setting, and also enjoy Sci-Fi. I recently bought a PlayStation 4 and am currently playing Killzone: Shadow Fall - it would be nice to have friends to play it with!

Outside of gaming, I love reading. I have read a lot of fantasy novels from The Wheel of Time series, to Raymond E. Feist's entire collection. I have also enjoyed Gail Z. Martin, Trudi Canavan, Brandon Sanderson, Brent Weeks, Terry Brooks, Terry Pratchett, George R.R. Martin, and many more. Basically I like reading a lot. I also like movies, specifically superhero movies!

It would be cool to chat with like-minded people on here, or on PSN. I am gay by the way, just so that you know in case we hit it off and then you hear me talking to my boyfriend and think it is disgusting (the fact I have a boyfriend, we don't have lewd conversations), it will save us both time if you know, and this is also the last time you will hear me mention it! My PSN is Callum_Alexander if you want to add me and play some Killzone. I also have Resogun, and I am hoping that I don't have to run around in the world of Destiny as a one-man wolf-pack.

When I play games I play them for fun and always share loot in games such as Borderlands. I also tend to be a healer/support, so I will have your back if we play together! Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope to hear from some of you soon, and don't forget to add me on PSN - Callum_Alexander


Callum_Alexander said:

Hello all,

I have already started taking part in the community, but I thought I would properly introduce myself regardless. I imagine you may have guessed, but my name is Callum. I joined this site fairly recently in the run-up to the release of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One! Some year that has been hey!

My favourite games include Oblivion, Skyrim, Dragon Age: Origins (I enjoyed the second game but it was quite flawed), Mass Effect, and most other RPG's. I love anything in a fantasy setting, and also enjoy Sci-Fi. I recently bought a PlayStation 4 and am currently playing Killzone: Shadow Fall - it would be nice to have friends to play it with!

Outside of gaming, I love reading. I have read a lot of fantasy novels from The Wheel of Time series, to Raymond E. Feist's entire collection. I have also enjoyed Gail Z. Martin, Trudi Canavan, Brandon Sanderson, Brent Weeks, Terry Brooks, Terry Pratchett, George R.R. Martin, and many more. Basically I like reading a lot. I also like movies, specifically superhero movies!

It would be cool to chat with like-minded people on here, or on PSN. I am gay by the way, just so that you know in case we hit it off and then you hear me talking to my boyfriend and think it is disgusting (the fact I have a boyfriend, we don't have lewd conversations), it will save us both time if you know, and this is also the last time you will hear me mention it! My PSN is Callum_Alexander if you want to add me and play some Killzone. I also have Resogun, and I am hoping that I don't have to run around in the world of Destiny as a one-man wolf-pack.

When I play games I play them for fun and always share loot in games such as Borderlands. I also tend to be a healer/support, so I will have your back if we play together! Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope to hear from some of you soon, and don't forget to add me on PSN - Callum_Alexander


I admire that your open about your sexual orientation. I always had respect for people who felt attracted to their own sex. Hell. I am glad I am living in a country where it's accepted by the majority. I do like to write a lot, but it's mostly based on life. Still, I am a huge hugeeee science fiction/fantasy fan!

Once you entered you won't be the same anymore. A blog about life.

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Really cool to see so much new blood flowing into the site and from some of these new people introducing themselves posts things look good for nice mature discussion.

For all the new guys joining here I will give 1 very important piece of advice for this site, If someone replies to your post or your thread with a person attack or they have a go at you which you think is a bit too much, Do not reply to it, it happens now and again on here but the best way of dealing with someone being rude on VGchartz is not to "fight fire with fire" it's to click the report button, write a short explanation of what you think is wrong with the persons post or posts at you and wait a while. The Moderation team on here is pretty fast at dealing with stuff so if someone goes too far they'll normally get their timeout within 24 hours of breaking the rules.

That's the most important thing I could say to anyone joining here, trust in the mod team if someone wants to start a fight with you, let the mods kick their ass instead of giving in and replying to it. A tiny bit of respect for others goes a long way on here or anywhere really.

Anyways welcome to the site new blood! If any of ye got any questions can feel free to post it on my wall or send me a PM if there is something ye can't work out with the site I'd happily try to help.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

Hi, my name is Mr_No. I've been a lurker for 2 or 3 years now, and it was today when I decided to join the site. The community, the forum topics, the eagerness to participate... I dunno what really motivated me to join.

I'm a PlayStation gamer and fan since 1999, and never turned back ever since. I did play the SNES earlier in my life, and a couple of its games have a special place in my heart.

So... I hope I make new friends here and have a great time. Thank you and good day.

Mr_No said:

Hi, my name is Mr_No. I've been a lurker for 2 or 3 years now, and it was today when I decided to join the site. The community, the forum topics, the eagerness to participate... I dunno what really motivated me to join.

I'm a PlayStation gamer and fan since 1999, and never turned back ever since. I did play the SNES earlier in my life, and a couple of its games have a special place in my heart.

So... I hope I make new friends here and have a great time. Thank you and good day.

Welcome to vgchartz.

Hi! I've been visiting this site like 1 year I guess. I don't know if I will be around here that much, but well, I've made an account and I hope I can add to the discussions.
Happy gaming!
Keep your bodies ready!

It is a production where my only thought was to burn my feelings into film. (Hideaki Anno)

Kill la Kill is awesome.

"This game has been like a light finally shining into what has been such a depressing time. I feel like this game has given me the power to go on living," the player wrote. "It's something like a miracle. It's helped me remember pure feelings from a more innocent time. I want to thank the development team."

 "As game developers, our work is special," said Hayashida. "All of us here can put smiles on very many people's faces with our work."


Yo, what's going on everyone? My username is Raidou (obviously) but my real name is Jared. I've been searching for weeks for the right forum and community to join. From what I've read and seen, I think this is where I'm meant to be. I've been a gamer since the age of 6 years old. Like many my very first console was an NES (which actually belonged to my brother) but the console that started it all for me was the Sega Genesis. The game that first got me hooked was Sonic The Hedgehog 2. I've played and beaten the game so much that I almost know the layout for nearly all the stages!

My primary genre of play is RPGs but I dabble in a majority of the other genres like fighting games, beat em ups, SRPGs, etc. Some of my favorite video games of all time are Yakuza 4, Jade Empire, Sonic Adventure, Persona 3 FES, Tales of Vesperia, Lost Odyssey, Saints Row 4, Skies of Arcadia, Final Fantasy IX, among many others. I also own a few different consoles (PS2, PS3, 3DS, Vita, and Wii U) so I don't follow the whole console fanboy thing. There are too many good exclusives to be missing out on lol.

Now, me personally, I've begun my journey to becoming a 3D Character Artist. I draw a lot of inspiration from Cyber Connect 2's Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm games and their new Jojo's Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle. I love their character models and their animations. Truly amazing! And of course I can't forget about Blizzard's amazing art. Both 2D and 3D. My goal is to reach that level of quality. I'm going to reach it. I have to. I feel like this is what I'm meant to do with my life. I wanna be apart of making characters for video games, movies, shows, books, comics, the whole nine yards! Like I said, I just started and I'm having an amazing time learning my program. I'm using Modo 701. I know 3DS Max, Maya, and Zbrush are mainly used in the industry but I find Modo so much easier and funner for me. Anyway, I'll just end this by saying it's cool to be here and I really hope to talk to some of you and even game with you too! Guess I'm gonna get back to filling out my game list. Sorry for making this long. Catch ya later.