Hey everyone,
Today, I decided to be a part of this community! I've been checking out the sales and discussions for years. Honestly, I can't remember how it all started. I guess faith brought me here.
From today on, I will involve myself in the discussions and try to be so honest as possible.
If your interested in a few personal details. I am a Dutch student (wondering if there are more Dutch people on this site), who is studying Economic. I am specializing myself in the world markets, Especially the western countries. In multinational and poverty. One day, I hope to make a difference, while working for the government or a company. I disgust, the way companies or governments try to safe cash the easy way (cutting jobs, lowering the salary, raising texas, and so go on.) I want to make a difference where the low and mid class citizens aren't the victem.
Let's put that aside, I am a huge gamer that plays mainly on the Playstation 3 and computer. With all respect to Nintendo and Microsoft, but I can't afford their consoles. Or else I would have =)
See you soon, Helix Fossil
ps: Pokemon Red on Twitch made me realize who I should be on this site.
Once you entered you won't be the same anymore. A blog about life.