Really cool to see so much new blood flowing into the site and from some of these new people introducing themselves posts things look good for nice mature discussion.
For all the new guys joining here I will give 1 very important piece of advice for this site, If someone replies to your post or your thread with a person attack or they have a go at you which you think is a bit too much, Do not reply to it, it happens now and again on here but the best way of dealing with someone being rude on VGchartz is not to "fight fire with fire" it's to click the report button, write a short explanation of what you think is wrong with the persons post or posts at you and wait a while. The Moderation team on here is pretty fast at dealing with stuff so if someone goes too far they'll normally get their timeout within 24 hours of breaking the rules.
That's the most important thing I could say to anyone joining here, trust in the mod team if someone wants to start a fight with you, let the mods kick their ass instead of giving in and replying to it. A tiny bit of respect for others goes a long way on here or anywhere really.
Anyways welcome to the site new blood! If any of ye got any questions can feel free to post it on my wall or send me a PM if there is something ye can't work out with the site I'd happily try to help.
Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at