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Forums - Gaming Discussion - First Assassin's Creed 3 gameplay!

Hyped..... I have all the AC's but I haven't played any of them lol

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DanneSandin said:
It really looks good, but it's also kinda generic... Don't ya think? There's nuthin' that sets it apart from other high end graphic games - but it still looks good!

wait, you're complaining becuase the GRAPHICS aren't anything special?  lolwat?  

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Runa216 said:
DanneSandin said:
It really looks good, but it's also kinda generic... Don't ya think? There's nuthin' that sets it apart from other high end graphic games - but it still looks good!

wait, you're complaining becuase the GRAPHICS aren't anything special?  lolwat?  

Hehe, no I'm not complaining per say - it's just that you see this kind of graphics EVERYWHERE! I remember (back in the day) when Sonic and Mario faced off in the early 90's they didn't look anything like each other! Nowadays, every AAA (save for Nintendo) likes the same. They're all going for that photo realistic look, which isn't a bad thing, but it does get... repetetive and generic, don't ya think?

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

pezus said:
DanneSandin said:
It really looks good, but it's also kinda generic... Don't ya think? There's nuthin' that sets it apart from other high end graphic games - but it still looks good!

It looks pretty different to me. How many games have you playing as an assassin during historic times?

Well, yes - the setting is pretty unusual, but by now we've seen quite a few games with an assassin running around killing ppl - so that's not uncommon these days. What I'm talking about is the design and the graphics... It just looks like any other game. The only thing that differentiate it from any other games is that it's about an assassin in the war of american liberation.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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Native Americans in the house fools. This looks so damn good and different from the rest of the series.
I just hope it deals with the white man's horrible treatment of the Native Americans since it stars one.

graphics are unreal. the rest idk

Well i never cared for Assassins Creed but this looks great. But i have my doubts. I am not a big fan of open world games because they get boring after some hours playing. Maybe i will buy this when its on budget price and i have nothing other to play.

pezus said:
DanneSandin said:

Well, yes - the setting is pretty unusual, but by now we've seen quite a few games with an assassin running around killing ppl - so that's not uncommon these days. What I'm talking about is the design and the graphics... It just looks like any other game. The only thing that differentiate it from any other games is that it's about an assassin in the war of american liberation.

Of course, they're going for a pretty realistic style. "The only thing..." is a pretty big thing imo

Every one is going for that realistic look - and it's getting kind of boring cuz they all look alike! I have no doubt at all the gameplay will be awesome. I haven't played any AC at all, but I'm getting intruiged for sure! I love how he persue that english men from en branches of the trees! That was the big thing for me =)

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

pezus said:
Argh_College said:
graphics are unreal. the rest idk

I feel the opposite. Gameplay seems much improved and more fluid. Graphics are only slightly improved, but that is to be expected from the aging consoles.

Didn't they claim the game would be "next-gen material"?