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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Wii is a gen 6 console (Hiroshi Yamauchi)


Wii and DS are gen 6 after all.

I'm shocked. 20 13.99%
That's bull. 45 31.47%
I don't care, the games were fun anyways. 57 39.86%
Too bad, missed opportunity. 21 14.69%



* ...Looks for shitstorm-proof shelter... *   

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Around the Network
happydolphin said:


Conegamer said:
Well, maybe their initial intention was for it to be an add-on to the Gamecube, and not a next-gen console (which sounds possible, as it wasn't released until 3 years later), but eventually evolved into a next-gen console.

People seems to think 'next-gen' means 'better graphics'. This is not the case. Next-gen means doing something that couldn't be done on the previous generation of consoles, and thus a new one is needed. In this sense, the Wii with its motion controls, online capability, improved graphics and bigger disc-sizes is just as next-gen as any other console, and the same will be the case for the WiiU, regardless of what analysts or anonymous sources may say...

New game controls (motion control, peripherals) don't define a generation. Technology does (videogame history 101), and graphics fall into that category, peripherals don't. The reason why new consoles came out in the roots of VG history was due to technological advancements.

Also, the NES had a ton of peripherals ranging from attempted Motion Controls to 3D, to light-sensing guns. None of those made the NES jump from one gen to the next:

Technically due to timing it would compete with gen 7 machines, but in essense it's a gen 6 console.

@theARTIST. I'm glad you also had the epiphany. You are now more enlightened.

Conegamer is actually correct.

The Wii was initially conceived as a series of peripherals for the GC but Iwata and moiyamoto understood that to truly make it work well they needed tolaunch a whole new console as well.   At that point, most of their R&D had gone into the controller and not a console so they quick GC hardware upgrade made it almost the opnly route they could take.   And it worked.

As for categorizing a console into generations, it is SOLELY based on the release period and the successor/predecessor relationship of flagship consoles.   I am in the media and that's the definition that we use; as well as all developers and publishers.  Peformance increases are merely a byproduct of being in a new generation but by no means are they the measuring stick.

For example: many people call the 3rd and 4th generation of consoles the 8 bit and 16 bit era respectively because of the relative power of 8 bit and 16 bit computer ships inside the consoles.  But the 5th generation of consoles had 32 and 64 bit consoles.   They were not 2 generations apart depsite the significant difference in bus width.  Further, the 6th generation of consoles contained 32, 64 and 128 consoels and hybrid consoles.   Not only are they vastly mixed but soem chips even went backwards in bus width.   The same for the 7th generaiton and will be for the 8th generation.  My point of this illustration is to show that there does not exist a metric for which to measure a console's generational placement.  

Is the performance of the Wii more in line with consoles from the 6th generation?  Absolutely.  But it's not more the same generation of consoles as you are the same generation as your parents.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Valdney said:
Yamauchi is the man!! The greatest business man in the game industry, by far!!! Too bad he is too old now.

Shit for Ninty began when he revealed Miyamoto and Reggie that he is their father, so they can't marry, not even in the Netherlands. They were both so upset that Miyamoto crippled 2D Mario making it 7D, while shitting in Malstrom's cereals, and Reggie vented his anger denying games to Americans.   

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

happydolphin said:


New game controls (motion control, peripherals) don't define a generation. Technology does (videogame history 101), and graphics fall into that category, peripherals don't. The reason why new consoles came out in the roots of VG history was due to technological advancements.

Also, the NES had a ton of peripherals ranging from attempted Motion Controls to 3D, to light-sensing guns. None of those made the NES jump from one gen to the next:

Technically due to timing it would compete with gen 7 machines, but in essense it's a gen 6 console.

@theARTIST. I'm glad you also had the epiphany. You are now more enlightened.

What gen is Sega CD/Mega CD?

Alby_da_Wolf said:
Valdney said:
Yamauchi is the man!! The greatest business man in the game industry, by far!!! Too bad he is too old now.

Shit for Ninty began when he revealed Miyamoto and Reggie that he is their father, so they can't marry, not even in the Netherlands. They were both so upset that Miyamoto crippled 2D Mario making it 7D, while shitting in Malstrom's cereals, and Reggie vented his anger denying games to Americans.   

Lol!!! Do you have anything to say about the Miyamoto and Aonuma relationship?

Around the Network
theARTIST0017 said:
If Hiroshi Yamauchi calls wii a 6th Gen console, it means that Nintendo doesn't have a 7th Gen console and beat out both the 360 and PS3 with a 6th Gen console. Oh I see what he did there O.O mind boggling. 360 and PS3 were fighting something that was weaker than them by a whole generation, and lost. Truly mind boggling.

It's even more mind boggling how Nintendo used 6th gen technology that was most likely cheap as f*** to produce, and beats 7th gen technology that was expensive as f*** to produce, all the while making a profit. O.O

So nintendo skipped a whole gen and now Wii U is truely 8th Gen. Interesting. nintendo, I give you mad props.


Valdney said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:
Valdney said:
Yamauchi is the man!! The greatest business man in the game industry, by far!!! Too bad he is too old now.

Shit for Ninty began when he revealed Miyamoto and Reggie that he is their father, so they can't marry, not even in the Netherlands. They were both so upset that Miyamoto crippled 2D Mario making it 7D, while shitting in Malstrom's cereals, and Reggie vented his anger denying games to Americans.   

Lol!!! Do you have anything to say about the Miyamoto and Aonuma relationship?

I'd like to reveal everything, but I can't! There are children reading these forums!!!     

Edit: I can go as far as to reveal that if Yamauchi is indeed the man, Reggie is the chin and Miyamoto the woman. And look at Aonuma: he looks a little bit like a mix between Johnny Depp and Keanu Reeeves, very, very vaguely... What could have ever happened between those two?   

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Premise is totally wrong but article is right. Nintendo originally planned on just adding wiimote to Gamecube. However, when 360 was announced they instead made a new machine to go with the controller, which is why Wii was so underpowered. Additionally, in retrospect when Wii dominating the sales and marketshare, his statement is still right as consumers were ok with not having cutting edge technology.

TakeMeToTheHospital said:

What gen is Sega CD/Mega CD?

Sega CD is part of Gen 4 (Super Nintendo). It was an add-on to the genesis.

Not sure if I get the point of this post. Even if the Wii had the same power as the game cube it would still be a different generation of a Nintendo home console.