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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Official Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale Thread - OP Updated


You have no idea how much I want a Symphony of the Night level, complete with dat music. That would be glorious, but it won't happen of course.


Oh, and a G-Police stage, in a Neo-Tokyo or Neo-Detroit or something.

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VicViper said:
Euphoria14 said:
cyberninja45 said:

Well I think they should put a " This game was inspired by the Smash Bros series" reference in the game. I think most of yall here would agree.

Just so long as all the games featuring FPS mechanics put "Inspired by Wolfenstein 3D" in the game, but I did not find that in Metroid Prime...

I'm all for this game's existence, but this is just not true. 

When Metroid came out everyone mentioned/praised how different it was from other FPSs. It was game of the year for a lot of publications (including the (at the time) almight EGM because of that.)

When this game was revealed, everyone and their mother are saying it's incredibly similar to SSB. But they're also saying it's good!

It's a different situation and you know it. I don't think Nintendo should sue or something like that, but the developer took a completely different path than Retro here.

My point was that just because something draws inspiration from something else (All the basic mechanics in Metroid Prime weren't original, it drew inspiration from other stuff, just as everything does) doesn't mean you have to give a shout out within your game.

Outside of the game, yes. Like with Metroid and it's ton of similarities to the Alien franchise. It was mentioned outside of the game, but within the game I believe there is no direct shout out.


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I'm sure Something from the Last of Us and Sorcery will be in there.

A level editor would be nice as mm suggested but I'm really looking forward to see more of the cross levels. Empire City for example during the time the beast is ripping it apart. I want to see a mod nation inspire level - the pit with cars running wildly would be pretty neat. I want to see a level with sotc inspired level with Colossi roaming. FF7 is a Sony exclusive, no? I want Midgar! I want a chimera warzone!

I want I want! Screw the characters! I want orgasmic levels.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

hatmoza said:
I'm sure Something from the Last of Us and Sorcery will be in there.

A level editor would be nice as mm suggested but I'm really looking forward to see more of the cross levels. Empire City for example during the time the beast is ripping it apart. I want to see a mod nation inspire level - the pit with cars running wildly would be pretty neat. I want to see a level with sotc inspired level with Colossi roaming. FF7 is a Sony exclusive, no? I want Midgar! I want a chimera warzone!

I want I want! Screw the characters! I want orgasmic levels.

Please god no.

Stick with the fighting.

Sal.Paradise said:
Acevil said:
Runa216 said:
This thread makes me super sad. PEople are so damn biased against sony. F-shots everywhere. Pathetic.

Lets put in ways you would understand, Imagine every JRPG was like Final Fantasy 13 (Not exactly, but like it), wouldn't that make you bored of playing the same game over and over again? If not more power to you I guess. 

Except Super Smash Bros Brawl is the only major Smash-esque game released for a decade?

And for people that don't own a Wii they have had exactly zero notable Smash-esque games since Melee (An amazing game but one on a console that only a minority of gamers owned that gen.) 

(Yeh yeh, Jump Ultimate Stars, a game you have to import from Japan and learn a new language for.) 

Or...maybe you were referring to something else? My bad if so. 

Yes I was refering to his anger and his post about Call of Duty earlier in the thread, which I find funny, since everyone is typically angry at his strong bias against the recent Final fantasy 13 reviews. 

I have nothing against the game being a clone, however I don't get why people are getting angry at others for stating the obvious, that this is very much like SSB. 


Around the Network
hatmoza said:
I'm sure Something from the Last of Us and Sorcery will be in there.

A level editor would be nice as mm suggested but I'm really looking forward to see more of the cross levels. Empire City for example during the time the beast is ripping it apart. I want to see a mod nation inspire level - the pit with cars running wildly would be pretty neat. I want to see a level with sotc inspired level with Colossi roaming. FF7 is a Sony exclusive, no? I want Midgar! I want a chimera warzone!

I want I want! Screw the characters! I want orgasmic levels.

FFVII and FFVIII were also released on PC by Eidos (Now owned by SE). As far as consoles though, yes they are.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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Acevil said:

Yes I was refering to his anger and his post about Call of Duty earlier in the thread, which I find funny, since everyone is typically angry at his strong bias against the recent Final fantasy 13 reviews. 

I have nothing against the game being a clone, however I don't get why people are getting angry at others for stating the obvious, that this is very much like SSB. 

Ah ok, my bad!

So why does the title say Smash Bros fans get in here?

Anyways the game looks good and Im excited to get it. Doubt itll be as good as smash bros and it wont have the same charm but still good.


AndrewWK said:
Disappointing, and pathetic. Who the fuck is fat princess? or this dog with the hat? Sony disappointed me a second time this year. This is just sad. I really love Sony and my PS3, but this is embarrassing how can you possibly justify such a cheap knock off?

Fat Princess, sure. But you've never heard of PaRappa the Rapper?

4 ≈ One

Dgc1808 said:
AndrewWK said:
Disappointing, and pathetic. Who the fuck is fat princess? or this dog with the hat? Sony disappointed me a second time this year. This is just sad. I really love Sony and my PS3, but this is embarrassing how can you possibly justify such a cheap knock off?

Fat Princess, sure. But you've never heard of PaRappa the Rapper?

I would assume most people who do not know are just too young. I demand Lara Croft with a boob smash special move.


@  Sales20XX Lol, I wanted to make fun of MS trying this and calling it Halo VS GEARS VS FABLE VS CARS from Forza, but you made fun of it for me. Who cares how well known characters are to the youth, the people that remember characters like pa rappa the rappa, and older will go crazy with nostalgia, you can already see it in the thread.