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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Official Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale Thread - OP Updated

happydolphin said:


Take for example the title of our latest vgchartz article:

"Sony Forms New Studio SuperBot to Develop Smash Bros. Style Game".

I can't say this title is honest. It should read

"Sony Forms New Studio SuperBot to Develop Smash Bros. Brawl Clone"

I'm not flaming, I just want to call it as it is. And to be honest, the smash fan in me really wants to play, but the Nintendo fan in me is disgusted...

Isn't Wii U rumored to have a racing sim? How many different ways do you think a racing sim can be made? If it looks like a Gran Turismo clone, will you be against it?

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Conegamer said:
Sal.Paradise said:

If people want to play a smash-esque game, they'll go out, buy a Wii, buy Brawl and have a great time. 

This game will go some way to helping remedy the problem, but no doubt anyone who wanted a game like it will already have it. The fact Brawl has sold well over 10mil is just really emphasising that.

I think that's just a bit too speculative on your part. I enjoy Super Smash Bros very much but I don't own a Wii, and I think it's conceivable that there are millions in the same situation; they enjoy that style of game but would not buy a specific console to play it.

Spending £35-40 on a new Smash-esque game with some major weight behind it and a great online experience seems like an awesome deal to me, and I'm sure many PS3 owners share that sentiment. It also fills a nice local multiplayer gap in my games library. (Although I need to point out that I am not sold on it yet, specifically because of the changes they have made to the formula, and I'll wait on proper reviews/previews/hands-on time before I am convinced it is a good direction.) 



OT: I wonder what this person in the background is working on? I can see pink clothing(?) and what looks like a bright green/yellow stage?

btw. All fighters copied from Street Fighter 2.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Euphoria14 said:
cyberninja45 said:

Well I think they should put a " This game was inspired by the Smash Bros series" reference in the game. I think most of yall here would agree.

Just so long as all the games featuring FPS mechanics put "Inspired by Wolfenstein 3D" in the game, but I did not find that in Metroid Prime...

I'm all for this game's existence, but this is just not true. 

When Metroid came out everyone mentioned/praised how different it was from other FPSs. It was game of the year for a lot of publications (including the (at the time) almight EGM because of that.)

When this game was revealed, everyone and their mother are saying it's incredibly similar to SSB. But they're also saying it's good!

It's a different situation and you know it. I don't think Nintendo should sue or something like that, but the developer took a completely different path than Retro here.

happydolphin said:

oh my lord though... it's a pure rip-off. I mean, I like it, but I don't enjoy the fact that it's basically a rip-off... That sucks.

The same amount of air-jumps (2), the moves look exactly like smash moves... the drops from the sky are just like the smash drops (lots of little drops at the same time). The special attacks are the same concept and animation style (rip-off), but a different mechanic (that's acceptable), and there's more.

I don't know if I were Nintendo I would sue their ass tbh.

I wanted something like smash, I didn't want a reskinning of it... I want this to fail.

Yeah, Nintendo should have also sued SEGA's ass when they release Panzer Dragoon.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Euphoria14 said:
cyberninja45 said:

Well I think they should put a " This game was inspired by the Smash Bros series" reference in the game. I think most of yall here would agree.

Just so long as all the games featuring FPS mechanics put "Inspired by Wolfenstein 3D" in the game, but I did not find that in Metroid Prime...

No is not like that but its for the game's own good. People are naturally gonna perceive it as a Smash bros rip-off no matter what, the reference would help make it look like an inspired piece rather than a rip-off.

My 3ds friendcode: 5413-0232-9676 (G-cyber)

It could be the fact that i've had a longstanding fascination with crossovers, but i don't really care that the game borrows so heavily from Smash Bros. It exists, and that is pretty cool.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Here are old threads that show the excitement of a Playstation SSB:

It's always been something fans wanted and I'm glad Sony listened.

CGI-Quality said:

No matter how much you don't favor something, why would you hope that it fails? As Boutros pointed out, SuperBot hasn't presented a parade claiming to be the new fighting innovation in town. They are just answer requests from fans of several generations. 

As I said, I'm divided. I'm kind of glad and kind of repulsed at the same time.

@failing. It's me being against the idea in a sense. I'm not happy about it, so I wish it doesn't do well. That's my position, and it could be wrong, but that's how I feel. This thread could shed light on how some people might feel like me ->

I realized this might not be the best place to talk about it, so I won't continue here. The thread I linked to should help keep things in their rightful place. Have fun guys, and enjoy the game despite it all.


Boutros said:
Here are old threads that show the excitement of a Playstation SSB:

It's always been something fans wanted and I'm glad Sony listened.

haha, my post from that /thread

theprof00 said:

blasto, musashi, alucard from castlevania:sotn

chocobo, crash, aya brea

Gex, Sir Dan, sackboy

Abe, parappa, spyro

Gon(made appearance in tekken), mokujin, tomba

Lenneth, Clour, cactuar

ratchet and clank, lara croft, locoroco blob

these are franchises that were created by or owned by sony:

some of these characters would probably be more suitable...