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CGI-Quality said:

No matter how much you don't favor something, why would you hope that it fails? As Boutros pointed out, SuperBot hasn't presented a parade claiming to be the new fighting innovation in town. They are just answer requests from fans of several generations. 

As I said, I'm divided. I'm kind of glad and kind of repulsed at the same time.

@failing. It's me being against the idea in a sense. I'm not happy about it, so I wish it doesn't do well. That's my position, and it could be wrong, but that's how I feel. This thread could shed light on how some people might feel like me ->

I realized this might not be the best place to talk about it, so I won't continue here. The thread I linked to should help keep things in their rightful place. Have fun guys, and enjoy the game despite it all.
