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Euphoria14 said:
cyberninja45 said:

Well I think they should put a " This game was inspired by the Smash Bros series" reference in the game. I think most of yall here would agree.

Just so long as all the games featuring FPS mechanics put "Inspired by Wolfenstein 3D" in the game, but I did not find that in Metroid Prime...

I'm all for this game's existence, but this is just not true. 

When Metroid came out everyone mentioned/praised how different it was from other FPSs. It was game of the year for a lot of publications (including the (at the time) almight EGM because of that.)

When this game was revealed, everyone and their mother are saying it's incredibly similar to SSB. But they're also saying it's good!

It's a different situation and you know it. I don't think Nintendo should sue or something like that, but the developer took a completely different path than Retro here.