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Forums - Sony Discussion - Should Sony ditch the Playstation Vita?

This is a joke.  After years of owning sony products, and having most of them break way too fast, I am always skeptical of anything else Sony.  However, Vita is a good piece of tech, and the only game specific platform with such graphics.  That means something to quite a bit of people.  I think we are seeing a 3ds all over again.  The lack of good games, and the constant rumors of a price cut, has a lot of future vita owners waiting until they can get more value from the system.  I think by this time next year, vita will have sold an admirable amount, be it a distant second place to 3DS.  

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Pokemonbrawlvg said:
@DieAppleDie and VGKing

I should watch TV more often, but it's probably more on Sports shows so that's probably why I haven't seen some. The only time I do see them is on Youtube and it's the same MLB commerical. They should advertise the games more, kinda like how their doing Japan where they are already showing Persona and Metal Gear Solid months in advance.

50 million in advertising. TV commericials, event adds, Hulu commercials, Adult Swim is targeted as well. 30 Rock just had Tracey Morgan playing on a Vita. Before launch Sony had large booth panels with at least a dozen Vita's set in in shopping malls across the country. Those Vita Hill social club events they had going on around launch.They  have demo booths in game retailers. You can probably still find some Vita giveaways if you look hard enough, like the recently announced Sly Cooper Theives in Time create a treasure for the game.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

The Vita is a tough call for Sony --especially since it needs games to be a profit center rather than a loss leader, However, for the sake of third-party relations, it must go a couple of years before pulling the plug. And unless a system seller is found, that is probably what will happen.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

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Will this help Japan's numbers? If so, by how much? Hatsune Miku Vita set for August 30th.

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

Should Nintendo have ditched the 3DS when sales plummeted after the initial launch due to the weak launch line up and subsequent lull of any significant titles prior to the holiday season?

Short answer: no.

As it's already been said, a price cut would go a long way in making the platform more consumer accessible as a game specific device, but would not make a significant difference in sales until the platform has the software/games to make the hardware worth purchasing at any price.

These early doom prediction threads were pretty old back in 2007.

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not likely, Miku did just decent on the 3DS.
Just the average boost that a 100k seller gives.

^Very well said. New IPs are invaluable, but mostly when you have a good install base to support them.

Wow this is like travelling back in time to about a year after the launch of the PS3. We had a lot of threads questioning if Sony should just ditch the machine and many posters were convinced it would happen.

I'm aware the Vita is a different beast altogether but this brings back some memories on this website circa 2007.


CGI-Quality said:

You're misunderstanding his point. Whether or not Microsoft continues on as long as Sony, they sell in less markets, and unless the 360 stays ahead by a good margin outside of those markets, after the generation has concluded, the PS3 has a chance at overtaking the 360 because of the extra markets it does sell to.

Outselling the Wii is a whole other matter and I doubt the PS3 can gain the kind of momentum to do it.

OT: Of course they don't need to ditch the Vita, especially when the PS3's start was far worse and look at how they were able to turn it around.

He's probably counting on residual sales, long after the platform has any real relevance as Sony did keep both the PS1 and the PS2 in production long after either could have been considered significant gaming platforms. 

It's entirely possible that Nintendo will keep the Wii in production long after the Wii U debuts given the extremely low production cost, the main issue is whether 3rd party support could keep the platform alive with a slow trickle of uninspiring, low budget games that are only being developed for the Wii due to the low development costs. It seems doubtful Nintendo has any more first party hardware sellers left in the tank for the Wii as their efforts and focus should transition to the Wii U. 

So, there's a small possibility the Wii stops production a year after the Wii U launches. 

Whether the PS3 will crawl to over the 100m mark remains to be seen under such a scenario.

The Xbox 360, on the other hand, should be in essentially the same situation as the PS3 in terms of being a lower budget development platform once the Xbox 3 and PS4 debut. Production cost-wise, the 360 is already cheap. The HDD is literally the only expensive component left (not an issue for the 4GB model). 

Since a significant percentage of 360s are currently being used as media center/hubs rather than strictly gaming consoles, it would proably be a pretty bad call to drop production any time soon after the Xbox 3 debuts, meaning, 360s will keep selling.

Pokemonbrawlvg said:
Will this help Japan's numbers? If so, by how much? Hatsune Miku Vita set for August 30th.

Hardly, while it will boost vita but probably for 1-2 weeks mostly and nothing outbursting. The most succesful Miku game has 500k, and was realeased when the psp had a significant user abse. It's a nice game tough, but not really the system seller vita is hoping for. Will probably sell more than mirai since most fans were on the psp.