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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Fire Emblem: Awakening thread- European DLC 16/5 out now!

Question for those who have beaten the storyline. What happens when you beat the endgame? Does it give you the option to continue playing, building relationships, and leveling up? Or does it not let you save and you end up where you were before you played the endgame?

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Smeags said:
Question for those who have beaten the storyline. What happens when you beat the endgame? Does it give you the option to continue playing, building relationships, and leveling up? Or does it not let you save and you end up where you were before you played the endgame?

Basically you just start back right before starting the final chapter, as if the ending never happened.

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

_crazy_man_ said:
Smeags said:
Question for those who have beaten the storyline. What happens when you beat the endgame? Does it give you the option to continue playing, building relationships, and leveling up? Or does it not let you save and you end up where you were before you played the endgame?

Basically you just start back right before starting the final chapter, as if the ending never happened.

I assumed as much (the other FE's do the same thing). So I'll need to do all my training and relationship building before heading in there. Appreciate the help and sorry for bugging you (you're the only one online )

Smeags said:
_crazy_man_ said:
Smeags said:
Question for those who have beaten the storyline. What happens when you beat the endgame? Does it give you the option to continue playing, building relationships, and leveling up? Or does it not let you save and you end up where you were before you played the endgame?

Basically you just start back right before starting the final chapter, as if the ending never happened.

I assumed as much (the other FE's do the same thing). So I'll need to do all my training and relationship building before heading in there. Appreciate the help and sorry for bugging you (you're the only one online )

It's cool bro.  I don't mind.

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

Just started playing on hard and enjoying the game a lot. Seems to have a lot of new gameplay ideas for the series. Frederick is a bad ass and I haven't had any struggles yet.

All this baby talk! Oh my! What has Fire Emblem become? A baby making simulation?

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sethnintendo said:
Just started playing on hard and enjoying the game a lot. Seems to have a lot of new gameplay ideas for the series. Frederick is a bad ass and I haven't had any struggles yet.

All this baby talk! Oh my! What has Fire Emblem become? A baby making simulation?

If by baby making you mean killing machine making then yes.

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

I read the last few pages and...I'm so confused. Maybe this game isn't for me. So many characters with weird names and different abilities.

Cold-Flipper said:
I read the last few pages and...I'm so confused. Maybe this game isn't for me. So many characters with weird names and different abilities.

Don't sweat it. We're discussing a myriad of characters and options scattered throughout a lengthy and meaty game, and moreover most of it is completely unnecessary unless you want to min-max or are playing on the hardest difficulty level. The game does a fantastic job of guiding you through the mechanics, all without really pausing the action.

Edit: Thinking about it... Why not just try the demo and see for yourself?

Cold-Flipper said:
I read the last few pages and...I'm so confused. Maybe this game isn't for me. So many characters with weird names and different abilities.

I wouldn't worry about it. I feel exactly the same, and I'm the one in control of the thread! I try to chime in where I can (obviously) but a lot of this talk is beyond my grasp until I get the game, sadly.

I certainly wouldn't be alienated by it, anyway. It may seem daunting, but actually digging into the meat of the game it all makes sense.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:
Cold-Flipper said:
I read the last few pages and...I'm so confused. Maybe this game isn't for me. So many characters with weird names and different abilities.

I wouldn't worry about it. I feel exactly the same, and I'm the one in control of the thread! I try to chime in where I can (obviously) but a lot of this talk is beyond my grasp until I get the game, sadly.

I certainly wouldn't be alienated by it, anyway. It may seem daunting, but actually digging into the meat of the game it all makes sense.

@nonane: I tried the demo and wasn't sure about it. I made a thread but was redirected to this one.

Wait, you don't even have the game? Have you played any FE? Why don't you have it yet because you seem interested a lot in it? It might be daunting for someone who plays games a lot but more casual style. It is made by the same developers who did the Paper Mario series though. I just don't know.