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Conegamer said:
Cold-Flipper said:
I read the last few pages and...I'm so confused. Maybe this game isn't for me. So many characters with weird names and different abilities.

I wouldn't worry about it. I feel exactly the same, and I'm the one in control of the thread! I try to chime in where I can (obviously) but a lot of this talk is beyond my grasp until I get the game, sadly.

I certainly wouldn't be alienated by it, anyway. It may seem daunting, but actually digging into the meat of the game it all makes sense.

@nonane: I tried the demo and wasn't sure about it. I made a thread but was redirected to this one.

Wait, you don't even have the game? Have you played any FE? Why don't you have it yet because you seem interested a lot in it? It might be daunting for someone who plays games a lot but more casual style. It is made by the same developers who did the Paper Mario series though. I just don't know.