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something that is irrelevant to my interests until it announces a bethesda style pokemon game

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Andrespetmonkey said:
I am waiting for a network adapter to come for my new PC so I can pirate the shit out of that series and watch it over half term. I can't on this laptop cause I have no sound and it's a pain in the dick to do anything on.

You are at the start of a wonderful journey.

pezus said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
I am waiting for a network adapter to come for my new PC so I can pirate the shit out of that series and watch it over half term. I can't on this laptop cause I have no sound and it's a pain in the dick to do anything on.

Watch in HD for the bewbs

What about the penises?

How much fantastical crap is in the series? I can make acceptions, like Skyrim or LOTR (although I do roll my eyes when they say those cheesy, generic names of settings/races/people) but I generally dislike the fantasy setting.

there are only so many ways I can make love with my hand

Around the Network
Andrespetmonkey said:
How much fantastical crap is in the series? I can make acceptions, like Skyrim or LOTR (although I do roll my eyes when they say those cheesy, generic names of settings/races/people) but I generally dislike the fantasy setting.

It's kinda like a mixture between skyrim & LOTR style fantasy. But the series is completely fucking awesome! It has 9.4 on IMDB, and it's mostly filmed in the UK too! (if you count NI as part of the UK) I've lent my Season 1 DVD to 6 different people and every single one of them has watched the entire series (10 hours) in a day or two. It is that good!

Here's the deal...

I will watch Game of Thrones if you guys watch Jericho

APM, go to E4! TBBT is on!!!11!!1!1


Andrespetmonkey said:
Here's the deal...

I will watch Game of Thrones if you guys watch Jericho

I would rather eat stale cum out of pesus' ass.