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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Xenoblade thread- Opinions, thoughts and questions inside! Can it hit 1mil in sales next year? Sequel coming for Wii U???


What is the best 'major' area in the game?

Colony 9 39 12.34%
Bionis' Leg 83 26.27%
The Marsh 20 6.33%
The Forest 17 5.38%
The Sea 24 7.59%
The Mountain 13 4.11%
The Valley 5 1.58%
Fallen Arm 22 6.96%
The Field of Metal 9 2.85%
See results! 73 23.10%

When I get to the "swamp" area I'll load it. I'm playing it in dolphin. Here's a pic. If anyone has a PC (you probably need a 4GHZ PC to play it at full frame rate) it looks stunning. in 1080p

The environments are really impressive probably more so than FFXIII (since you can interact with them and it's not as linear) and FFXIII-2 (since it looks worse than FFXIII) and is in 1080p with filters compared to 720p upscaled with FFXIII.

The character models, animations, cave areas and spell effects are a lot worse. But for being on a wii, it's extremely impressive. Being's the environments are so massive with limited loading times.

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Conegamer said:

Best combo IMO is Shulk as the mechanic and Reyn as the shooter, or the other way round...that way almost everything is a high flame increase...

Whichever combination of those two lets Shulk use his frenzy is the best combination. Megaheats are common once you get their affinity levels maxed out.

Plezbo said:
Ugh, that one item that you complained about was an absolute bear for me to get, I went around murdering it's "dropper" for like 20 minutes to get the last one that I needed. My friend fought two and got two, jerk.

There's a random item you need to finish a "quest" towards the latter half of the game. It's one of those shiny blue drops. You need several of them. And they are rare as hell. Makes me think the developers misplaced the decimal on the drop percentage. Just wait until you get to that part...

Hey guys can´t any of my Squadmates wear some Armor I have a great Armor in my Inventory but I can´t give it to anybody :( so do I have to sell it, or will it be unlocked after a particular lvl?

noname2200 said:
Conegamer said:

Best combo IMO is Shulk as the mechanic and Reyn as the shooter, or the other way round...that way almost everything is a high flame increase...

Whichever combination of those two lets Shulk use his frenzy is the best combination. Megaheats are common once you get their affinity levels maxed out.

Plezbo said:
Ugh, that one item that you complained about was an absolute bear for me to get, I went around murdering it's "dropper" for like 20 minutes to get the last one that I needed. My friend fought two and got two, jerk.

There's a random item you need to finish a "quest" towards the latter half of the game. It's one of those shiny blue drops. You need several of them. And they are rare as hell. Makes me think the developers misplaced the decimal on the drop percentage. Just wait until you get to that part...

I'm going for 100% Collectapedia, and the drop rates are killing me. :( The Satorl Marsh collection was very frustrating (for the longest time, I only had one slot left. Same with Colony 6 and Bionis' Leg, now that I think about it).

Speaking of Satorl, that sidequest where you're ambushed by three level thirty-two spiders gave me a heart attack. I ran away like the coward I am.

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That moment does demonstrate a weakness in the game system, though. Even if you die, you keep the quest item, so there really isn't any penalty for getting crushed and ambushed like that. In general I prefer the system that this game has, though, even if it ruins a few key moments.

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noname2200 said:

That moment does demonstrate a weakness in the game system, though. Even if you die, you keep the quest item, so there really isn't any penalty for getting crushed and ambushed like that. In general I prefer the system that this game has, though, even if it ruins a few key moments.

I prefer it this way too. I'd rather choose my battles rather than having them occur almost randomly and not be able to escape..

3DS Friend Code: 0645 - 5827 - 5788
WayForward Kickstarter is best kickstarter:

AndrewWK said:
Hey guys can´t any of my Squadmates wear some Armor I have a great Armor in my Inventory but I can´t give it to anybody :( so do I have to sell it, or will it be unlocked after a particular lvl?

You have different types. Some are only for girls (like the Bikini), and can never be given to men (shame). Then every character can use light armour. For medium and heavy, you need to skill link the skill to the other characters. Dunban, Shulk and Reyn have the Medium one, and Reyn is the only character who can use Heavy at the start.

There's more to it, but saying anything else may spoil your enjoyment


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

ishiki said:

When I get to the "swamp" area I'll load it. I'm playing it in dolphin. Here's a pic. If anyone has a PC (you probably need a 4GHZ PC to play it at full frame rate) it looks stunning. in 1080p

The environments are really impressive probably more so than FFXIII (since you can interact with them and it's not as linear) and FFXIII-2 (since it looks worse than FFXIII) and is in 1080p with filters compared to 720p upscaled with FFXIII.

The character models, animations, cave areas and spell effects are a lot worse. But for being on a wii, it's extremely impressive. Being's the environments are so massive with limited loading times.

I have to admit, that does look very nice...

But the graphics never bothered me anyway. I mean, the textures are slightly washed out in places, and the character models could be better, but the fact is, the artstyle, music and scenery overcome any issues you have with the game after a few hours anyway...


Also, for everyone talking about the swamp- wait until you get to the sea when there's a meteor storm, or when you get to the 'Fallen' area,  right at the very tip of the area, during a thunderstorm. You'll know what I mean when you get there, without spoiling anything


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

F0X said:
noname2200 said:
Conegamer said:

Best combo IMO is Shulk as the mechanic and Reyn as the shooter, or the other way round...that way almost everything is a high flame increase...

Whichever combination of those two lets Shulk use his frenzy is the best combination. Megaheats are common once you get their affinity levels maxed out.

Plezbo said:
Ugh, that one item that you complained about was an absolute bear for me to get, I went around murdering it's "dropper" for like 20 minutes to get the last one that I needed. My friend fought two and got two, jerk.

There's a random item you need to finish a "quest" towards the latter half of the game. It's one of those shiny blue drops. You need several of them. And they are rare as hell. Makes me think the developers misplaced the decimal on the drop percentage. Just wait until you get to that part...

I'm going for 100% Collectapedia, and the drop rates are killing me. :( The Satorl Marsh collection was very frustrating (for the longest time, I only had one slot left. Same with Colony 6 and Bionis' Leg, now that I think about it).

Speaking of Satorl, that sidequest where you're ambushed by three level thirty-two spiders gave me a heart attack. I ran away like the coward I am.

The 100% collectopedia isn't too bad...the hardest drop is in the second to last area, and also a Cabbage in Valak. Shame you need two for Colony 6 for both as well >.<


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

DAMN YOU Gamefaqgots..  i just wanted to look some stuff up for sidequests, and 99% of the topics there do have a Spoiler-mark, if they do contain some. .. but some idiot in a non-spoiler topic just had to throw a major spoiler in there.. dammit! (I want to sue him. Q_Q)

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!