AndrewWK said:
VGKing said: Bad move. This opens the doors for future titles to ship unfinished with endings being patched in via DLC. Knowing EA, they'd probably do the same thing later on but make you pay for it. |
This post makes totally sense. This was only such big deal because Mass Effect was a very story driven franchise. There are planty other examples of bad endings even worse then Mass Effect but nobody really cared. The best example I know of is God of War 3, I mean that end was terrible but I didn´t care because I haven´t played God for War for its story but for its Gameplay.
Bioware shows with this move that they really care about their fans, and really listen to them, like they allways did.
Not really. It shows they are only going to address obvious plot holes in the ending, really only a minor gripe from fans, but stick to the same ending in general, which was the major gripe from fans. If they truly listened and cared, they would have adopted the indoctrination theory. I guess they're upset they didn't come up with something that clever. 
On a personal note, when Mass Effect 3 was released I was planning on picking up 2 and 3 on the PS3 (maybe the first on PC). When I heard about this whole debacle, I decided it wasn't worth my money and time to play these games, where choice was touted as a major feature, if my choices made no difference in the end. Then I heard about the indoctrination theory and thought it was very clever and would be complete genious if that was what they had intended all along. I decided I wouldn't write off a purchase just yet and wait to see what Bioware did. Now that I know what they are doing, I have decided I won't purchase either game.