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Forums - General Discussion - The Have You Ever Thread, New Rule!


 Yes, two drunk guys were giving us a hardtime after a family party...

have you ever spit on someone?


3DS code: 1289-8222-7215

NNid: Menx064

Around the Network

no and i would never do that (only if the person wants it haha).

have you ever seen "rear window"?

If you mean a movie called 'Rear Window' then no.

Have you ever been to Germany? (If a German answers this, then the question is: Have you ever been to Frankfurt?)

yeah i meant the movie from hitchcock

yes i was a few times in frankfurt if you mean "frankfurt am main" and not "frankfurt (oder)" (so yes, i'm german)

have you ever wondered why so many people don't like classical music nowadays? lol

edit: beaten, disregard this.

Around the Network

No this gen thinks justin beiber is the best there clearly all morons.

Have you ever played the marshmallow game?

Can't say that I have

Have you ever had sex on a train?


have you ever farted in bed and made your girlfriend smell it by holding the covers over her head?

The ol' Dutch Oven huh? Surprisingly, NO.

Have you ever been driving down the road and see what you think is chic with a nice ass and then as you pass, you find out it's a dude?

I LOVE paying for Xbox Live! I also love that my love for it pisses off so many people.

Yep. More embarrasing when you point it out to all your friends too.

Have you ever had some of your hair shaved off as a prank whilst you were passed out.