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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

Stefl1504 said:

The inability to balance a game Award:

once again Stefl1504 has shown that his moding talent is near zero, last time he just made a horrible set-up
this time arround the game was just horribly balance, maybe he should toss out all his moding ambitions and
just drink some cold beer

You're not a horrible mod but you do get carried away with crazy additionnal rules. Just keep it simple, there's tons of roles available in normal games, there's really no need to add extra rules.

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So who's hosting next round?

spurgeonryan said:
Damn you theProf!

That was a good game. I was mad a few times, I was like ...what? a few times, and I even smiled quite often. Also instead of reading the rules I just asked stefl random questions like I did in the first game. It was a lot of fun! Radish is always at the end it seems now. What a tricky little devil he is.

I was near mod killing you... I would've killed you if you asked another question that was easily answered by reading the rules.


@trucks - I know I am horrible^^ But the item concept is something that was more sane than the 25 other ideas I had in mind...

Quicktopics were great.
I especially liked the mafia one
"Shit profs onto us!"

NoCtiS_NoX said:
So who's hosting next round?

I want radish to host.. his flavour are soooooo awesome... or the return of mr. kitten... WAHAHAHA!!!...

Also I forgot to add a WAHAHAHA!!! Award T.T

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hah mainly because i lied, i think.
Wait til you see me play as mafia lol.

I was pretty useless, huh?

Anyhow, I have to agree with Trucks, stefl: just keep it simple.

RolStoppable said:
theprof00 said:
hah mainly because i lied, i think.
Wait til you see me play as mafia lol.

You also behaved like an idiot. It was hard to believe that I had to explain the item rules to my mentor.

What did you think of my performance? I won an award.

You are great but quite stubborn.

My last resort was voting for myself to save my ass silly Rol. 

Well - I knew there was a high chance of the vanillas being able to confirm one another

Also I will make my final-fan statement I wanted to make throughout the whole game:

It is true he was not on the list of this thread at the point of its creation, but his role was assigned on my paper^^ - After I send out all the PMs I noticed that I had one player more on my list than on the list in the thread... fun fact - Final-Fan got the last character I added to the game

One thing is for sure - next time I will not allow to make roleclaims - also I enjoyed hosting the game without a general timelimit, and I loved day 2

Stefl1504 said:
Well - I knew there was a high chance of the vanillas being able to confirm one another

Also I will make my final-fan statement I wanted to make throughout the whole game:

It is true he was not on the list of this thread at the point of its creation, but his role was assigned on my paper^^ - After I send out all the PMs I noticed that I had one player more on my list than on the list in the thread... fun fact - Final-Fan got the last character I added to the game

One thing is for sure - next time I will not allow to make roleclaims - also I enjoyed hosting the game without a general timelimit, and I loved day 2

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, No, NO, NOOOOO! Just design your game so roleclaims can't provide an easy win for any team.

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