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What Marvel superhero do you enjoy the most?

Iron Man 1 12.50%
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Spiderman 1 12.50%
Xmen -post individually below 1 12.50%
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GotG- see above example 2 25.00%
other post below 0 0%
DC bro!!!! 3 37.50%
SvennoJ said:
SnakeDrake said:
SvennoJ said:

Django Unchained was up tonight. Great movie, it exceeded all my expectations after looking forward to watching it for over a year. The 2 hours 45 minutes were over in a flash, I was completely sucked in to the movie.
Christopher Waltz is an amazing actor and this time he wasn't dragged down by Brad Pitt. Jamie Foxx was great too. Hopefully Quentin Tarantino never changes, no cgi, beautiful widescreen 2D, master at framing and letting each scene play out to its fullest potential. Love it.

Best western I've ever seen. Great acting form every one and I love how Quentin blows himself up in his own movie. The only thing out of place was the rap music, but its ok it made Jamie Foxx the boss.

I always get a big smile on my face when he appears in his own movie. The rap music took me off guard too initially, but it worked. The rest of the soundtrack was great too with good surround sound effects.
First time watching a Trantino movie is always the best, just when you think you have it all figured out he throws something unexpected at you. I wonder what his next movie will be about.

I dont know Quentin said he didn't want to be the next George Lucas so he'll make 1 or 2 more movies, then retire.


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

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Watched Jacky Brown last night. I bought it with Django Unchained, the blu-ray is only $8 nowadays. It's been a while since I last saw it on Laserdisc and yes still love it. Great story, great acting. The pace is a bit slow but it draws you in with its characters, and the last hour makes the slow setup totally worth it.

paranoid park slow and boring or maybe it was me I dont know ..just skip this one

now im going to watch American Psycho for the 22424 time it never dissapoints :D

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

pezus said:
I recommend Oblivion. Looks stunning and the story is quite decent. Taking place in Iceland doesn't hurt

I wonder if is its the first big budget Hollywood movie that got partially shot in Iceland.

pezus said:
I recommend Oblivion. Looks stunning and the story is quite decent. Taking place in Iceland doesn't hurt

That one is on my radar, I'll watch it when it comes out on blu-ray.
How is the sound editting and soundtrack? That was Tron Legacy's strongest point, I wonder what he did with this movie.

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pezus said:
Chris Hu said:
pezus said:
I recommend Oblivion. Looks stunning and the story is quite decent. Taking place in Iceland doesn't hurt

I wonder if is its the first big budget Hollywood movie that got partially shot in Iceland.

Nah, last year there was Prometheus. Batman Begins was partially shot in Iceland too (the training outside with Ra's). Die Another Day is another. Then there's Thor and Noah on the way ;o

@SvennoJ: I enjoyed the sound of this film. Very sci-fi, reminded me a bit of the Mass Effect soundtrack at times. It's not as strong as in Tron of course (can't really beat Daft Punk) but it sets the tone very well.

I'm not familiar with any of the people that did the music for Oblivion but one of the co composers Josheph Trapanese also worked on Tron Lecay as music arranger and orchestrator and he also composed the music for the TV show Tron: Uprising.

watched this new horror movie called MAMA it was ok I guess nothing new or original altpugh most praise it

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

watched superman unbound and its awesome im in cartoon mode lately lol

cant wait for this :

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

I just watched The right stuff. It was still on my to watch list from the top 50 thread and it did not disappoint.
Great storytelling with plenty of great characters who all managed to stay interesting for 3 hours and 15 minutes. I knew of Chuck Yeager from 1991's Chuck Yeager's air combat, didn't know he was the first to break the sound barrier. And it was fascinating to watch the American side of the space race. The general feeling in the movie is, second doesn't count, which is sort of true as I know about Sputnik, Gagarin and have heard of Titov, yet couldn't tell you any names of the first Americans in space.

It's been a while since I bought a movie on dvd, but I think it's the better medium for this one. It had a great sense of nostalgia although it's the first time I have seen it. It would have looked too fake on blu-ray, on dvd the slightly damaged print merged perfectly with the old actual footage. (I guess I learned my lesson from Willow, some movies do get worse with better resolution)

I am curious now how the Russian space program came about. I wonder if they made a movie about it...
There is this First Orbit 2011 documentary. 5.0 on imdb from 21 users, that must a record, ignored completely... Now I'm curious.

I watched that First Orbit documentary last night and sadly 5/10 still feels pretty generous. The first few minutes are the most interesting with archive footage of the launch. The rest is slow scrolling satellite images and poor quality views from the iss (bad reflections, dirty lenses, degraded ccds full with dead pixels from cosmic radiation) recreating the path of the first orbit. That goes on for 90 minutes with some actual footage now and then that is so badly degraded you can hardly make out anything at all.

The only redeeming factor is the original radio transmissions, although they don't say much interesting stuff. Are you OK, I'm OK continuing the mission, I can see the earth through the vzor, I'm doing OK, feeling great, and so on. I fast forwarded through most of it, felt like watching paint dry.