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What Marvel superhero do you enjoy the most?

Iron Man 1 12.50%
Thor 0 0%
Hulk 0 0%
Spiderman 1 12.50%
Xmen -post individually below 1 12.50%
Ant Man 0 0%
other Avenger -post individually below 0 0%
GotG- see above example 2 25.00%
other post below 0 0%
DC bro!!!! 3 37.50%

I watched The dark knight rises blu-ray today, great movie, great musical score too.
The sound design is outstanding through out, this is what home theaters are build for :) The picture quality is very good too. The aspect ratio changes can be a bit jarring now and then since the horizontal field of view also alternates. And it's all a bit dark throughout. Sure by design but there are other ways then averaging the brightness to 30%. Not a problem in a home theater setup, but I wouldn't want to watch it in a bright lit room. The detail in the shadows comes out great in the dark.

I did have an odd glitch in the beginning, no dialogue for some reason. Not having seen it before I first thought it was an artistic decision since music and sound effects were all very active. Then Bane started talking, yet the thugs dialogue stayed silent. Running the test tone to check the speakers and restarting the chapter fixed it, strange.

Very enjoyable movie and it didn't feel long at all at 2:45 running time. Much better movie overall then The Avengers imo.

Around the Network
pezus said:
Lulz, DVD. Anyway, reviews are coming in for Hobbit and it's not looking particularly great.

Actual viewers so far liked it at 9 out of ten at imdb but with only 17 reviews so far I'm guessing it will be below 8 a week from now.  The meta score is kinda low at 60/100 right now but that's only based on 8 reviews so far.

5 positives and 5 mixed reviews for The Hobbit so far, which to believe?!

As long as the Hobbit has decent legs and the rest of the new movies released before the year is over don't all bomb then this year will be easily the highest grossing domestic year ever. It should also be the best year for total ticket sales since 2004.

spurgeonryan said:
Hoh ok. The american show is called elementary. Never seen either yet.

Elementary doesn't look like it my kind of show.  I'm pretty sure I will rarely watch anything on CBS besides the NFL until the next season of The Amazing Race starts on Februrary 17th. 

Around the Network
pezus said:
Proclus said:
5 positives and 5 mixed reviews for The Hobbit so far, which to believe?!

30 fresh and 10 rotten on Rottentomatoes

Hmm, bit better of a ratio... who am I kidding, will fucking watch it when it's out anyway.

pezus said:
Chris Hu said:
pezus said:
Lulz, DVD. Anyway, reviews are coming in for Hobbit and it's not looking particularly great.

Actual viewers so far liked it at 9 out of ten at imdb but with only 17 reviews so far I'm guessing it will be below 8 a week from now.  The meta score is kinda low at 60/100 right now but that's only based on 8 reviews so far.

Only 75% on Rottentomatoes though, which I have to say is lower than I expected. It will also probably go down to 70% or a bit less.

Its still a lot better then his last effort The Lovely Bones which stands at 32% on Rotten, 6.6/10 on imdb and 42/100 on metascore.  Since all the Hobbit movies are pretty much finished I'm hoping that production on the next Tintin movie starts soon.

Rise of the Guardians was a really cool movie, altough it got really in some parts.

pezus said:
AndrewWK said:
Rise of the Guardians was a really cool movie, altough it got really in some parts.

It got really...what?


spurgeonryan said:
That is because the writers are such big Sherlock fans that they did not want to go with the same old name that is always used. I am sure Archbrix has seen it. I will ask him. I have too many shows to watch to try something new.

I'm following Elementary atm after my wife pointed it out. Great new show. I actually like it better then Sherlock, since we get to watch this every week instead of a few a year. Lazy brits :)