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I watched The dark knight rises blu-ray today, great movie, great musical score too.
The sound design is outstanding through out, this is what home theaters are build for :) The picture quality is very good too. The aspect ratio changes can be a bit jarring now and then since the horizontal field of view also alternates. And it's all a bit dark throughout. Sure by design but there are other ways then averaging the brightness to 30%. Not a problem in a home theater setup, but I wouldn't want to watch it in a bright lit room. The detail in the shadows comes out great in the dark.

I did have an odd glitch in the beginning, no dialogue for some reason. Not having seen it before I first thought it was an artistic decision since music and sound effects were all very active. Then Bane started talking, yet the thugs dialogue stayed silent. Running the test tone to check the speakers and restarting the chapter fixed it, strange.

Very enjoyable movie and it didn't feel long at all at 2:45 running time. Much better movie overall then The Avengers imo.