Star wars: The force awakens. 5/10
The ongoing story of the most dysfunctional family in a galaxy far far away, who will stop at nothing to get back at each other with total disregard to causing the most insane collateral damage in the process.
As far as remakes go, it wasn't as bad as Total recall. It was still sort of entertaining to watch although the interaction between the old and new cast was pretty terrible. Didn't think I would like it less than Episode 1.
Ant-man 6/10
Plenty cool cgi although a bit heavy on the 3D gimmicks at times. But really, why even bother with sciency explanations if you don't give a shit about consistency anyway :) Best to not pay attention to plot holes either and just enjoy the action scenes, which are pretty good. Probably better in 3D IMAX.
Shaun the sheep 4/10
Aardman's love affair with sheep continues. However, although I'm a big fan of stop motion, this movie is a dud. Nothing here for adults to enjoy, nor for my 7 year old. At least my youngest liked it. The music is bad, pacing is bad, lighting is flat, no spectacular Aardman signature chase, a big step back from Pirates! Band of misfits. I'm amazed this scores higher on IMDB than Paranorman and the excellent Boxtrolls.