I really enjoyed the new Star Wars. Watched my blu-ray many times.
I thought Deadpool was so overrated. I could only sit through it twice, I can't put myself through it again. I think it might be Ryan Reynolds. Not a fan at all. Shame because the Deadpool comics I've read are sooo good and they painted a better picture of Wade Wilson so I was kinda let down but then again isn't that usually the case when someone reads a book before a movie? haha.
I thought BvS was a good movie. Not amazing but decent. I quite enjoyed it actually.
I'm currently watching the new Ghostbusters and I'm finding it a lot better than people made it out to be. I think fans just took it personally because of their love for the original films. You look past that and it's a decent movie.
I haven't seen Suicide Squad yet and I think Sausage Party is a contender for my favourite movie this year so I look forward to seeing that.
Zootopia wasn't as good as i expected it to be, I thought Secret Life of Pets was much better.
Ant-man was fucking excellent! surprised at how much I liked it.
Warcraft was AWESOME!!!! Loved every second of it and pre-ordered the blu-ray. I think it would probably have to be my favourite movie this year so far!
Swiss Army man! Holy shit I could not believe what I was seeing. Literally Harry Potter corpse farting for 2 hours or however long it is. It actually wasn't that bad though HAHAHA
I'm loving South Park and American Horror Story so far this year. Also Vice Principals first season was brilliant. I highly recommend that to anyone who likes comedy. I also picked up Rick and Morty season 2 blu-ray this year which I havent stopped watching!! haha. Hoping to hear about Season 3 soon!