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What Marvel superhero do you enjoy the most?

Iron Man 1 12.50%
Thor 0 0%
Hulk 0 0%
Spiderman 1 12.50%
Xmen -post individually below 1 12.50%
Ant Man 0 0%
other Avenger -post individually below 0 0%
GotG- see above example 2 25.00%
other post below 0 0%
DC bro!!!! 3 37.50%
Volterra_90 said:
Lawlight said:

I don't think the RT score says anything about the quality of a movie.

You're totally right, I was talking about the actual written reviews than the score. They point some cons of the movie which really keeps me worried. And they're problems that pretty much every review share, so I guess it's fair to say that the movie actually has those problems. I'll give it a try though.

What problems are those?

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Everest 7.5/10
Amazing sound and picture, looks very authentic. Also nice to see the whole process of getting to base camp. The downside was that a lot of the characters pretty much got ignored after the start. The documentary about the real people in the extras was pretty interesting.

Sicario 5/10
Again great cinematography and it was pretty good at portraying the brutality of the cartels. Yet the plot was pretty dumb and unbelievable, while Emily Blunt just seemed to be there to be taken on a tour of shock and horror.

^ The question is are your speakers a decent size :)
That Dolby Atmos soundtrack packs quite a punch. The poor dog was scared hiding in his bed.

just gonna copy and paste my thoughts on Batman V Superman from what i posted on facebook.

i just got back from Batman V Superman and i don't think a film has pissed me off as much as this filmed has much this filmed has. But i will say the things i liked first.

but keep in mind i will be talking about spoilers.

Ben Affleck did a great with what he was given and I would like to see his solo film.

Wonder Women was badass for all like 5 minutes we all saw her and I am looking forward to her solo film.
Now for the things I don’t like

Jessie Eisenberg in this film is insane, annoying, a religious nut job, socially awkward, a weirdo, has no motive to hate either Batman or Superman he is all of all those things and more but he aint Lex Luthor.

The Knightmare scene was very pointless and almost everything about this scene pisses me off from Batman using guns, The Flash cameo and his warning about Superman apparently becoming evil, and how its only purpose was to build up to Justice League and I bet if you removed this entire scene from the film it wouldn’t make a difference.

Batman and Superman’s reason for teaming up is the funniest thing in any comic book movie I have seen in an ironic sense and whoever thought that was a good idea should be banned from working on not just DC films but also Marvel films.

Another so dumb its actually funny moment is that Lex Luthor made all the logo’s for Flash, Aquaman, and Cybrog.
Speaking of those 3 their cameos are very underwalming and didn’t get me hyped to see them in either Justice League or their solo films. Also while this is petty the haircut and side burns that The Flash had just pissed me off cause I hate that kind of haircut he doesn’t look like a superhero or either Barry Allen or Wally West or Jay Garrick but a fucking stoner instead.

The first thing we see Superman do is kill someone. Now I didn’t mind Superman killing Zod in Man Of Steal. But holy hell did Synder not listen to any of Man of Steal criticisms?
Why was Wonder Women in this? Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed her scenes but what exactly was her purpose did I miss something?

Plot points are completely dropped like the should Superman lived on Earth? After that fucking bomb blows up in that meeting it is completely dropped and only briefly mentioned.

Finally I am sorry to Spider-Man 3 and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 for calling you two clusterfuck that had a bunch of story arcs that tried to resemble a story cause I had no idea what a clusterfuck was until I saw this film.

This is just all I could think of why I hated this film if I think of more I will post them later.

earth (docu)

looks beautiful but its more about animals than earth itself as a ball floating in space and shit so the title is kinda misleading lol and no you wont see a beautiful shot of the whole earth spining i wonder why ...


daredevil (s2)

non stop action


Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

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I'm seeing Rick and Morty. The show is insanely good and hilarious. Top-notch, one of the best animated shows I've seen. I can't recommend this enough.

Volterra_90 said:
I'm seeing Rick and Morty. The show is insanely good and hilarious. Top-notch, one of the best animated shows I've seen. I can't recommend this enough.

I could say the same about Archer. I will watch season 1 of Rick & Morty soon, I hope I like it.

okr said:
Volterra_90 said:
I'm seeing Rick and Morty. The show is insanely good and hilarious. Top-notch, one of the best animated shows I've seen. I can't recommend this enough.

I could say the same about Archer. I will watch season 1 of Rick & Morty soon, I hope I like it.

If you like black humour, and some randomness, combined with an great character work I think you'll like it. Never see Archer, I'll put it on my list ;)

Volterra_90 said:
okr said:

I could say the same about Archer. I will watch season 1 of Rick & Morty soon, I hope I like it.

If you like black humour, and some randomness, combined with an great character work I think you'll like it. Never see Archer, I'll put it on my list ;)

Archer is the best TV animation show ever in my opinion. I like it even more than 90s Simpsons, Futurama or the Flintstones. It's on its 7th season already (I've only discovered it last year and already watched S1-6 on Netflix). The show features one of the most immoral and yet likable cast I've ever seen in a TV show. Plus: Most post-sex talk ever in an animated mainstream TV show (it already starts with episode 1). Sex is generally a topic they love to talk about, sometimes even when they're in the middle of killing other people. Generally there's plenty of witty and fast-paced dialogues. The voice work of the whole cast is impressing. You can definitely see the Simpsons influence here, but Archer takes the intelligence, depth and characters interaction of Groening's shows a step further (unlike South Park and all other shows which tried and failed in that department imo). Archer himself is a secret agent in an anachronistic world, 60s coolness paired with modern technology in a modern world. He and his mother (who is at the same time his boss) are among the best characters ever created for a TV show imo. And there's a ton of great side charatcers as well.

I will have the chance to check out Rick & Morty soon as S1 recently appeared here on Netflix.

okr said:

Archer is the best TV animation show ever in my opinion. I like it even more than 90s Simpsons, Futurama or the Flintstones. It's on its 7th season already (I've only discovered it last year and already watched S1-6 on Netflix). The show features one of the most immoral and yet likable cast I've ever seen in a TV show. Plus: Most post-sex talk ever in an animated mainstream TV show (it already starts with episode 1). Sex is generally a topic they love to talk about, sometimes even when they're in the middle of killing other people. Generally there's plenty of witty and fast-paced dialogues. The voice work of the whole cast is impressing. You can definitely see the Simpsons influence here, but Archer takes the intelligence, depth and characters interaction of Groening's shows a step further (unlike South Park and all other shows which tried and failed in that department imo). Archer himself is a secret agent in an anachronistic world, 60s coolness paired with modern technology in a modern world. He and his mother (who is at the same time his boss) are among the best characters ever created for a TV show imo. And there's a ton of great side charatcers as well.

I will have the chance to check out Rick & Morty soon as S1 recently appeared here on Netflix.

I think Archer it's available in Netflix in here, so I'll give it a try. it looks really good.

Also, I don't know where you live, but in my country R&M was available since today, I'm not sure if that applies to your country (in case you haven't checked Netflix today). Why don't they have a bloody catalogue? XDD.