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just gonna copy and paste my thoughts on Batman V Superman from what i posted on facebook.

i just got back from Batman V Superman and i don't think a film has pissed me off as much as this filmed has much this filmed has. But i will say the things i liked first.

but keep in mind i will be talking about spoilers.

Ben Affleck did a great with what he was given and I would like to see his solo film.

Wonder Women was badass for all like 5 minutes we all saw her and I am looking forward to her solo film.
Now for the things I don’t like

Jessie Eisenberg in this film is insane, annoying, a religious nut job, socially awkward, a weirdo, has no motive to hate either Batman or Superman he is all of all those things and more but he aint Lex Luthor.

The Knightmare scene was very pointless and almost everything about this scene pisses me off from Batman using guns, The Flash cameo and his warning about Superman apparently becoming evil, and how its only purpose was to build up to Justice League and I bet if you removed this entire scene from the film it wouldn’t make a difference.

Batman and Superman’s reason for teaming up is the funniest thing in any comic book movie I have seen in an ironic sense and whoever thought that was a good idea should be banned from working on not just DC films but also Marvel films.

Another so dumb its actually funny moment is that Lex Luthor made all the logo’s for Flash, Aquaman, and Cybrog.
Speaking of those 3 their cameos are very underwalming and didn’t get me hyped to see them in either Justice League or their solo films. Also while this is petty the haircut and side burns that The Flash had just pissed me off cause I hate that kind of haircut he doesn’t look like a superhero or either Barry Allen or Wally West or Jay Garrick but a fucking stoner instead.

The first thing we see Superman do is kill someone. Now I didn’t mind Superman killing Zod in Man Of Steal. But holy hell did Synder not listen to any of Man of Steal criticisms?
Why was Wonder Women in this? Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed her scenes but what exactly was her purpose did I miss something?

Plot points are completely dropped like the should Superman lived on Earth? After that fucking bomb blows up in that meeting it is completely dropped and only briefly mentioned.

Finally I am sorry to Spider-Man 3 and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 for calling you two clusterfuck that had a bunch of story arcs that tried to resemble a story cause I had no idea what a clusterfuck was until I saw this film.

This is just all I could think of why I hated this film if I think of more I will post them later.