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What Marvel superhero do you enjoy the most?

Iron Man 1 12.50%
Thor 0 0%
Hulk 0 0%
Spiderman 1 12.50%
Xmen -post individually below 1 12.50%
Ant Man 0 0%
other Avenger -post individually below 0 0%
GotG- see above example 2 25.00%
other post below 0 0%
DC bro!!!! 3 37.50%
axumblade said:
Was going to go watch Snow White & The Huntsmen but I ended up getting wasted at Applebees. I'm sure my drunkeness turned out better than the movie but we're going to give it another shot on Sunday (this time we're sneaking some rum in in there. but shh don't tell anybody).

Bad Axum! BAD!

OT: The Vow really opened up well!

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spurgeonryan said:

The Vow really opened up? What does that's actually mean? It has done really well at the box office?

NintendoPie said:

Bad Axum! BAD!

OT: The Vow really opened up well

I was meaning that it opened up well for DVD sales.

I voted for Lazerdiscs although I haven't watched mine for a while now. It's only been dvd and blu-ray since I got kids. Even if I could find time to go to the cinema I would most likely fall asleep half way through anyway.

The only way I watch movies now is in half hour sessions while feeding the baby.
I'm halfway through the secret world of Arrietty. It's pretty good so far, I wonder where it will go.

Just saw the trailer for "Les Miserables" I know its a couple days old already but it actually looks good. Russel Crow is going to be in a musical who would have guessed it. Also before that he is going to be in a marital arts movie that opens in October.

I'll be going to watch Snow White and the Huntsmen tomorrow. Looks like a very good movie so I can't wait.

I don't know why but this year I've seen more movies in theaters than I have in the past 5 years.

Around the Network
yo_john117 said:
I'll be going to watch Snow White and the Huntsmen tomorrow. Looks like a very good movie so I can't wait.

I don't know why but this year I've seen more movies in theaters than I have in the past 5 years.

I've noticed that too....

NintendoPie said:
yo_john117 said:
I'll be going to watch Snow White and the Huntsmen tomorrow. Looks like a very good movie so I can't wait.

I don't know why but this year I've seen more movies in theaters than I have in the past 5 years.

I've noticed that too....

You stalker you!

spurgeonryan said:
amp316 said:
spurgeonryan said:
amp316 said:

The original Mad Max is Mel Gibson's best movie. How did you not put it in your poll?

Obviously because I do not think it was anywhere near his best movie. I enjoyed The Road Warrior much more! I liked Mad Max, and I am happy it was made so that The Road Warrior would come to be made. Also Zedd from the show The Legend of the Seeker got his start in The Road Warrior I think, so that makes me happy as well.

Next thing you're going to tell me that Army of Darkness is better than Evil Dead 2...

I do like the Road Warrior a lot, but Mad Max had the much better story in my opinion.

^ I believe in you Axume



@ Amp


ACtually in its own way Evil Dead 3 was a good movie, it was just different than Evil Dead 2. As a horror movie, evil Dead 2 was much better! Evil Dead 3 was just its own type of movie. I guess Adventure/comedy.  Horribly special effects in all three of the movies, but Evil Dead 3 was just bad. Especially in the mini Ash scenes.

I agree with you 100%.  That's kind of my point.  While Army of Darkness was a very entertaining movie, I felt that Evil Dead 2 was better.  This was what I was trying to say about Mad Max and the Road Warrior.  I really like the Road Warrior, but thought that Mad Max was even better.

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SvennoJ said:
I voted for Lazerdiscs although I haven't watched mine for a while now. It's only been dvd and blu-ray since I got kids. Even if I could find time to go to the cinema I would most likely fall asleep half way through anyway.

The only way I watch movies now is in half hour sessions while feeding the baby.
I'm halfway through the secret world of Arrietty. It's pretty good so far, I wonder where it will go.

I haven't seen that yet but it for sure looks good. I hope it comes to Netflix soon. 

I just finished watching the secret world of Arrietty. It is beautifully made, very detailed and with a great soundtrack to back it up. It's a very enjoyable movie and it's great to watch how the borrowers manage to travel inside the walls.
Yet I feel like it's missing something. That magic spark when something unexpected or truly fantastical happens. I would have love to have seen something of Spiller's world.
Whisper of the heart is completely rooted in reality, but somehow that also had a bigger emotional impact on me. It's still a great movie to watch, certainly better then the average animated movie.