We watched the pilot of Aquarius. My wife had enough at the 75 minute mark, she's not fond of eyes getting cut out nor creepy serial killers in general. I watched the rest, the music is nice, everything else isn't that good. It doesn't feel like the sixties at all to me.
Somehow the raft is quite entertaining. Guy and girl, dating for 2 years, never been near the ocean, girl dragged him onto the show. He's seasick and vomiting from the start, she doesn't want him to quit. I'll watch you two bicker and suffer from my comfy couch with my snacks lol.
Naked and afraid is still good, but a bit of exaggeration going on. Last episode, the guy had to go on alone, barely made it, said he was too weak to get up, fever, no water for the last 2 days, yet then he runs to the truck at the end and looks perfectly fine.
Oh well.