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Forums - Movies & TV - Movie & TV Chat: A entertainment discussion thread ~ Live, Love, Enjoy movies! What did ya'll think of Joker?


What Marvel superhero do you enjoy the most?

Iron Man 1 12.50%
Thor 0 0%
Hulk 0 0%
Spiderman 1 12.50%
Xmen -post individually below 1 12.50%
Ant Man 0 0%
other Avenger -post individually below 0 0%
GotG- see above example 2 25.00%
other post below 0 0%
DC bro!!!! 3 37.50%
pezus said:
NintendoPie said:
RedInker said:

What films do you like Nin Pie? I know you like Toy Story 3 from the highest grossing film thread.

Toy Story 3 - win, Toy Story 2, Up - win, My Neighbour Totoro - win, Spirited Away - EPIC win, Pokemon Movies - sad face , Finding Nemo - epic win. Some others. I really like Pixar and Ghibli Movies.

What's with TS2 not getting any love?! XD

And how is Totoro not an 'EXTRA EPIC WIN!'?

Around the Network
pezus said:

TS2 is the worst of the franchise imo, but still very good. I guess it's all win except Pokémon.

Spirited Away> Totoro

Hmm... odd... I thought #1 was the worst. Also, Pokemon movies are good.

Totoro > Spirited Away.

pezus said:

>_> There's so much wrong with this post. See my previous one

The annoying cowboy girl ruined #2 imo

My last post was the truth.

Yeah... Jessie did kind of get annoying... but in the 3rd one I liked her a lot more!

I recently watched Narnia: Voyage of the dawn treader and My neighbor Totoro. One is a 6 and one a 9. One tries hard to be magical, the other simply is with 1/10th of the effort.
My neighbor Totoro is the first movie my almost 3 year old wanted to see all the way through.

Monoke > (Totoro == Spirited away)

SvennoJ said:
I recently watched Narnia: Voyage of the dawn treader and My neighbor Totoro. One is a 6 and one a 9. One tries hard to be magical, the other simply is with 1/10th of the effort.
My neighbor Totoro is the first movie my almost 3 year old wanted to see all the way through.

Monoke > (Totoro == Spirited away)

I'm pretty sure I've seen almost all Ghibli movies but for some reason I can't remember Princess Monoke...

All of them were great movies, though. So I'm sure this one is also great.

Studio Ghibli's movies are very magical and mysterious, I agree. My Neighbour Totoro was my favorite movie (and still is) when I was younger. It's such a GREAT movie. Ponyo was pretty great too. Did any of you see that?

Around the Network
pezus said:

Indubitably. TS3>TS1>>TS2

Sorry but it's TS1>TS3>TS2
TS3 is too loud for the kids to watch all the time. TS1 is much better suited for repeat viewings.

pezus said:

Yeah but how many have there been? 15? 1/15 is not a good ratio lol!

Lucario and the Mystery of Mew was a really, really good one! I also liked the one where they were in a Venice-type city, the ___ Deoxys one was also really good, and the recent Zoroark one was pretty good too.

NintendoPie said:
SvennoJ said:
I recently watched Narnia: Voyage of the dawn treader and My neighbor Totoro. One is a 6 and one a 9. One tries hard to be magical, the other simply is with 1/10th of the effort.
My neighbor Totoro is the first movie my almost 3 year old wanted to see all the way through.

Monoke > (Totoro == Spirited away)

I'm pretty sure I've seen almost all Ghibli movies but for some reason I can't remember Princess Monoke...

All of them were great movies, though. So I'm sure this one is also great.

Studio Ghibli's movies are very magical and mysterious, I agree. My Neighbour Totoro was my favorite movie (and still is) when I was younger. It's such a GREAT movie. Ponyo was pretty great too. Did any of you see that?

Oh yes, it's my favorite blu-ray. I lost it for a while when friends borrowed it and their 10 year old was watching it over and over.
I would die for a box set of all ghibli movies on blu-ray with japanese language tracks and commentaries by Hayao Miyazaki.

I thought for a second that they were all getting re-released on blu-ray, but it's just blue dvd cases. Still looks nice.
Totoro, Castle in the sky, Kiki's delivery service and Secret world of Arrietty (blu-ray) are out now.

pezus said:

Nausicaa? Howl's Moving Castle? Laputa? Grave of the fireflies? Kiki's Delivery Service? Porco Rosso? Whisper of the Heart? Arriety? 

I've seen:








I've only seen the bolded. (Why'd you creat this list...? What did my post have anything to do with it? XD )