Escape from NY 7/10
It's in the future 1997!
Bottle rocket 6/10
First Wes Anderson movie, charming but lacks focus.
Rushmore 7/10
Great 2nd movie, I see he was still obsessed with the pretty girl theme.
Wes' brother made the behind the scenes documentary. It's hilarious, he dryly lists everyone and there achievements like the opening of the Royal Tennenbaums. Maybe Wes got the idea from his brother.
Breaking bad season 4
A bit slow, I didn't notice I watched an episode out of order... Still good.
I need that interstellar music while playing Elite Dangerous. That game was hard to get into, but exploring the galaxy is great fun. The galaxy is very well recreated. So far I've visited the Spirograph, NGC 1998, Messier 78 and Witch head nebula, Orion and Running man, Bernard's loop with Flame and Horsehead nebula, Butterfly nebula and Thors' helmet to the Seagull nebula, and am now on the way to Rosette. Currently 4.5K light years from earth.