Drive Hard - 3/10
This movie failed in almost every aspect, Acting was mediocre at best. Only John Cusack was somewhat convincible. Action scenes lacked almost all excitement, most time is spent yelling at the screen as to why and WTF they are doing.
Machine guns in this movie seem to have no effect and if your getting shot at, not to worry, the bullets magically disappear, not even hitting things like a moving fugging car that they unloaded 500 clips into. Most situations played out so bad that I wanted to punch myself in the face. This would have ended with a better conclusion or purpose for the movie.
The life lesson was essentially don't be a pussy and your bitch will respect you, at least I think, I'm not even sure. Either way this was a waste of 96 min. of my life, that I can no longer get back. If you do want to watch this, make it with someone you hate, while getting hammered so you can't remember the experience. I would also recommend sending this Blue-ray (if you where dumb enough to buy it at discount like I did) to a X girlfriend with no return address, this way you know you wasted her time, not only your own, this would also give some well needed laughs that the movie did not provide.