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What Marvel superhero do you enjoy the most?

Iron Man 1 12.50%
Thor 0 0%
Hulk 0 0%
Spiderman 1 12.50%
Xmen -post individually below 1 12.50%
Ant Man 0 0%
other Avenger -post individually below 0 0%
GotG- see above example 2 25.00%
other post below 0 0%
DC bro!!!! 3 37.50%

^ I really enjoyed Cosmos Spacetime Odyssey, although some of the episodes were a bit all over the place.
I also loved Death of a Mars rover, never though a documentary about a little robot could move me.

Maleficent 6/10
Disney's attempt at turning another classic upside down with mixed results. True love's kiss becomes the kiss from a child abductress who wished to kill the baby, while the moral of the story turns into you can't trust anyone. I guess they didn't think that through. It looks beautiful though, and the key scenes are well done with great surround sound. I was entertained and as a bonus it put my kids to sleep :)

Plus now I can watch the honest trailer :)
If you're movie comes out after Frozen, true love can only exist between 2 girls!

And ofcourse everything wrong with Maleficent

Thanks to these it makes watching average movies more fun :)

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invaders from mars


Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

green_sky said:
Kerotan said:
green_sky said:
This thread seems my kind of thread. Should post here sometimes.

Starting watching Sherlock. The British one. Good so far.

watched that with my sis and he bf and thought it was good. They had a re run of the episode where he stops an attempted murder at his partners wedding. Really well made series. Quality over quantity for sure. 

Yes, quite good. Finished the first season, so the episode you mention is bit of a spoiler. It's okay though as it is more about how something happened and not just what.

ah shit sorry about that i said a little more than i should have!

SvennoJ said:

Oz, The great and powerful 6/10
Got the blu-ray from a 2nd hand bin, actually more entertaining than I expected. Very colorful movie, and the final confrontation looked pretty good. It's too long though, too predictable, gimmicky 3D effects, and too long of an intro with borders all around. 4:3 and b&w are fine, but at least fill out the bloody screen if it's going to take up 15 minutes or more.

Moonraker 8/10
I like James Bond movies best when it feels like they're constantly making fun of their own material. This one doesn't disappoint. I hope the formula for new bond movies goes back to this. I don't want Bond to doubt himself or the mission, or an agency on the run. I prefer an over confident Bond that never seems surprised no matter what happens, all in a days work. Crazy villains (mr dental plan), insane plots (restart civilization) and unlikely vehicles (hover craft gondola). Dialogue full of one liners, double meanings and dry humor, while always remaining utterly polite.
The movie still looks really good. Some of the special effects stand out, yet it was made in 1979. Sound is still excellent, lovely infantry laser battle in space lol. Was great to watch again.

James Franco did not go well with OZ, the great and powerful.  6/10 is right on, I agree with everything and wanted to add that this was not the best acting choice for him. Johnny Depp would have nailed this role.

The most recent Movie I have went to see is Interstellar. I will come back in and update with some of the new films I will be seeing.

Interstellar 9/10.

This movie I thought hit a lot of great marks, They mostly keep the Science true. Some was inventive but I think with the best intentions of keeping the movie mostly true. Matthew McConaughey as in True Detective was top notch, as was the rest of cast and crew. The movie was long but for me was very rewarding, it had great Drama, Excitement and balance. It showed that Knowledge of science in the end is what saved the day. Relationships in the movie played out well, My fiancé cried a few time during this movie. So I say go see this if you have not.

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Edge of Tomorrow (or Live Die Repeat) - 8.5/10

Incredible and fun movie. The main concept is played out near-perfectly. The humor was put to good use in a certain scene. The last 20 minutes of the movie were quite slow. The ending, though, was just so satisfying and I couldn't help but smile with him.

How to Train Your Dragon 2 - 8/10

Charming and touching sequel, and in my opinion, better than the first movie. New characters blend in nicely and the villain is memorable and convincing.

SvennoJ said:

James Franco did not go well with OZ, the great and powerful.  6/10 is right on, I agree with everything and wanted to add that this was not the best acting choice for him. Johnny Depp would have nailed this role.

Agreed, I thought at the beginning, how come Johny Depp looks so different. Wasn't him doh. He would have brought more humor, yet would also have gotten criticized for doing the same again as in Pirates and the lone ranger. Can't win.

Interstellar was great. I'm a bit biased though, since I drove an hour to watch it in 70mm IMAX format. So good. (Apart from the sound volume leaving my ears ringing for hours afterwards) Can't wait to watch it at home. I wonder what they are going to do with the aspect ratio changes on blu-ray. Bars on the side for the IMAX portions or cut off the top and bottom.

star trek insurrection

somehow star trek movies are always enjoyable to rewatch..just like the TV series.

next up nemesis

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

spurgeonryan said:
kljesta64 said:
star trek insurrection

somehow star trek movies are always enjoyable to rewatch..just like the TV series.

next up nemesis

Agreed, along with most 80's-90's movies.




I wonder if kids today enjoy 80's and 90's movies as much as those who grew up with them do? Good thread idea....


Just saw Exodus. Good. 8/10. Kind of an abrupt ending, but it was already a long movie. The actors all did well, but besides the two main actors, hardly anyone else talk. Jesse from Breaking Bad never once said 

"Bitch!" You would have had to of watched Breaking Bad to get that.


Currently watching The Fifth Element again on sy fy.

I don't think kids Enjoy 80's - 90's movies as much as us. Reasons being..

1) I think it's a form of nostalgia for us.

2) our world has drastically changed to that of theirs. For instance I could watch a movie from the 50-60-70 etc and relate, some things are different but for them, they grew up in a world of everything being interconnected all the time. Cell phone, Apps, FB, VGchartz, Xbox Live, PSn. LOL  When I think back, It's like a completely different world, to how we entertained, to parties. I noticed kids party way less then from my highschool days, we through bashes and a lot of peope from other schools in the same county or even the next would show up, Depending on where the party was. Or maybe we just partied hell of a lot more? However back on point, Teenagers of today could never pull that off or it's a lot harder then it was, they would be busted just by their facebook posts, messages,emails, xbox live messages or cell phone texts. Not only this but on so many levels it was like a different reality.

3) 80's, 90's movies are full of dude bro's, I'm not sure how that goes over today?  The change in Social communication was huge,  Believe me I love the tech but sometimes miss the past, however would never give up my new toys. Like my touch screen interface in my car, to blue tooth automatically connecting to my phone as soon as I get into my car, Playing songs, apps, to simply hitting a button, saying who to call and it's just that simple. This is nothing like the past.

I would say that from 00-14 we have seen more change then in the last 50. Thanks all to the micro-chip revolution and it's only going to advance.


I don't think kids Enjoy 80's - 90's movies as much as us. Reasons being..

1) I think it's a form of nostalgia for us.

2) our world has drastically changed to that of theirs. For instance I could watch a movie from the 50-60-70 etc and relate, some things are different but for them, they grew up in a world of everything being interconnected all the time. Cell phone, Apps, FB, VGchartz, Xbox Live, PSn. LOL  When I think back, It's like a completely different world, to how we entertained, to parties. I noticed kids party way less then from my highschool days, we through bashes and a lot of peope from other schools in the same county or even the next would show up, Depending on where the party was. Or maybe we just partied hell of a lot more? However back on point, Teenagers of today could never pull that off or it's a lot harder then it was, they would be busted just by their facebook posts, messages,emails, xbox live messages or cell phone texts. Not only this but on so many levels it was like a different reality.

3) 80's, 90's movies are full of dude bro's, I'm not sure how that goes over today?  The change in Social communication was huge,  Believe me I love the tech but sometimes miss the past, however would never give up my new toys. Like my touch screen interface in my car, to blue tooth automatically connecting to my phone as soon as I get into my car, Playing songs, apps, to simply hitting a button, saying who to call and it's just that simple. This is nothing like the past.

I would say that from 00-14 we have seen more change then in the last 50. Thanks all to the micro-chip revolution and it's only going to advance.

are you trying to say kids these days have no soul ?

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.