spurgeonryan said:
kljesta64 said: star trek insurrection somehow star trek movies are always enjoyable to rewatch..just like the TV series. next up nemesis
Agreed, along with most 80's-90's movies.
I wonder if kids today enjoy 80's and 90's movies as much as those who grew up with them do? Good thread idea....
Just saw Exodus. Good. 8/10. Kind of an abrupt ending, but it was already a long movie. The actors all did well, but besides the two main actors, hardly anyone else talk. Jesse from Breaking Bad never once said
"Bitch!" You would have had to of watched Breaking Bad to get that.
Currently watching The Fifth Element again on sy fy.
I don't think kids Enjoy 80's - 90's movies as much as us. Reasons being..
1) I think it's a form of nostalgia for us.
2) our world has drastically changed to that of theirs. For instance I could watch a movie from the 50-60-70 etc and relate, some things are different but for them, they grew up in a world of everything being interconnected all the time. Cell phone, Apps, FB, VGchartz, Xbox Live, PSn. LOL When I think back, It's like a completely different world, to how we entertained, to parties. I noticed kids party way less then from my highschool days, we through bashes and a lot of peope from other schools in the same county or even the next would show up, Depending on where the party was. Or maybe we just partied hell of a lot more? However back on point, Teenagers of today could never pull that off or it's a lot harder then it was, they would be busted just by their facebook posts, messages,emails, xbox live messages or cell phone texts. Not only this but on so many levels it was like a different reality.
3) 80's, 90's movies are full of dude bro's, I'm not sure how that goes over today? The change in Social communication was huge, Believe me I love the tech but sometimes miss the past, however would never give up my new toys. Like my touch screen interface in my car, to blue tooth automatically connecting to my phone as soon as I get into my car, Playing songs, apps, to simply hitting a button, saying who to call and it's just that simple. This is nothing like the past.
I would say that from 00-14 we have seen more change then in the last 50. Thanks all to the micro-chip revolution and it's only going to advance.