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sethnintendo said:
DanneSandin said:
sethnintendo said:

He got me.... I should have known!!!  I just read the top and bottom (sort of how I check out a woman).  I just forgot to check the middle.

I thought he pulled a man-bear-pig...  Betraying us for Apple.

Oh c'mon! How can you NOT check out the middle on a woman! I call bullshit on that ;)

More of a glance over usually.  If she has a lot of belly fat then I'll run.  However, if I glance over her mid section and see everything is fine then I'll keep staring.  There was a lot of fat in the op so I shouted hostile remarks and ran.

No one should tolerate belly fat!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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Rainbow Yoshi said:
You're a bit early for April Fools.

Not surprised, at all.



(hide in shame)

NiKKoM said:
geez only 1 user actually read the entire OP...

There are those who are playing along though. I bet there is way more than one person who read all of it.

It's pretty easy to tell who is playing along and who fell, you just need to measure sarcasm and hostility levels.

i remember like 15 years ago our teacher gave us a sheet with 20 questions/points or so. first there was a text like "please read all questions before you start with your first question, you only have xx minutes (don't remember anymore) for everything"

i read all of them because i was curious why this shall make sense. and point 18 or so was "just answer point 1 and 2 and not the other questions"

1 was "put your name on the name field" and 2 was "put the date in the date field"

all other points were serious questions about geology or so.

damn i was the only one who did that and i had huge problems not to start laughing like a freak^^

some near me did wonder why i wasn't writing like "are you stupid?"


€dit: i edited my post because now i remeber i had to answer only the first two points not the last two points.

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I think apple should get into the apple business. Imagine an apple branded apple? All the apple fan boys would go nuts. They could put the apple logo on each apple they sell and sell them for twice the price of the competitors apples.

Paul said:
I think apple should get into the apple business. Imagine an apple branded apple? All the apple fan boys would go nuts. They could put the apple logo on each apple they sell and sell them for twice the price of the competitors apples.

they would only have to sell 3/4 of an apple and with the last quarter they could make apple juice! this would generate even more profit from only one apple!

Paul said:
I think apple should get into the apple business. Imagine an apple branded apple? All the apple fan boys would go nuts. They could put the apple logo on each apple they sell and sell them for twice the price of the competitors apples.

Why would they go nuts for an apple? Isn't that like going bananas for a coconut?

I like your idea though, but you would also have to release new apples with barely any noticeable changes at least once a year and you would also have to convince people that even though your apple has the exact same content as other apples, yours has a lot better build quality.

Mummelmann said:
Paul said:
I think apple should get into the apple business. Imagine an apple branded apple? All the apple fan boys would go nuts. They could put the apple logo on each apple they sell and sell them for twice the price of the competitors apples.

Why would they go nuts for an apple? Isn't that like going bananas for a coconut?

I like your idea though, but you would also have to release new apples with barely any noticeable changes at least once a year and you would also have to convince people that even though your apple has the exact same content as other apples, yours has a lot better build quality.

If that was the case then they better use no pesticides.  I don't like eating apples too much because their skin is full of them.  I suppose I could buy "organic" apples.  Apple just needs to come up with a cooler word than organic.  Also, they need to convince all the fatties that fruit tastes better than junk food.  I suppose they could release caramel apples for the fatties.

i have three apple trees in my garden, apple would have to have damn good apples to let me buy their apples. for example they would have to be overpriced to convince me for a purchase.