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Forums - General Discussion - I gotta fight a fat guy in a few hours. Goodbye. UPDATE: Never underestimate fat guys.

Jay520 said:
@Pony-lover17 No way man! If you're not going to put forth the effort to change your avatar, then I'm not going to waste my brain space to learn how to block them. Nor will I ignore it. As a man, I feel it is my duty to acknowledge and scorn any other man who is fascinated by ponies. Every time you post in my thread, you make me more and more bit irritated because you're girlying my thread up.

Gosh you are making me so angry! If I ever see you in the street, you better believe I would demolish your face RELENTLESSLY!

Pshh, if you met him in the streets he would fuck you up since you wouldn't have time to ask us for advice.

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sethnintendo said:
Mummelmann said:

Or perhaps some of us actually work towards a society with less violence because it solves little to nothing (I work with security and the criminally insane as well as with kids with behavior issues and ADD)?


ADD and ADHD are made up disorders by the pharmaceutical companies.

And dyslexia made up by people peddling spelling correction software?

I agree that a lot of kids are diagnosed with ADD and ADHD wrongfully but some actually do have it. Often, this diagnosis is simply used to label a "problem child" to allow excuses for excluding them or generally damning them from being normal (which is what they want and need). 

Mummelmann said:
sethnintendo said:
Mummelmann said:

Or perhaps some of us actually work towards a society with less violence because it solves little to nothing (I work with security and the criminally insane as well as with kids with behavior issues and ADD)?


ADD and ADHD are made up disorders by the pharmaceutical companies.

And dyslexia made up by people peddling spelling correction software?

I agree that a lot of kids are diagnosed with ADD and ADHD wrongfully but some actually do have it. Often, this diagnosis is simply used to label a "problem child" to allow excuses for excluding them or generally damning them from being normal (which is what they want and need). 

Doesn't help when you have the diagnosis that can fit almost any child.... Nervous before tests, can't sit still, hard time paying attention to boring material, etc...

Just follow this instructional video and you should be fine.


I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

I like how he chose to not read / not-respond to the most valid points.

Whatever, he can be dramatic all he wants.

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Gunman121 said:
I like how he chose to not read / not-respond to the most valid points.

Whatever, he can be dramatic all he wants.

I replied to your post, but it broke the thread. It was basically saying how I didn't care what you people thought. This thread wasn't meant to debate over whether my actions were right or wrong.

Keep him at distance and try to hit his chin, 2 or 3 punches on the chin and he will go down.

Fedor Emelianenko - Greatest Fighter and most humble man to ever walk the earth:

A fight for honor... Thats pretty cool. Anyways, he's fat a.k.a, no speed. Hit and run technique works fine. Keep your range, and attack with long punches, always keeping a distance. No matter what happens, dont get grappled. Post the results later and good luck.
PS: Dont lose ur temper. Fighting without thinking = stupid. Keep calm and focus on ur strategy


make sure both of you guys sign a consent that if one party gets injured, the other party is not obligated to pay or responsible for any medical, hospital, medicinal compensations due to the fighting injury. this is important. make sure there are witnesses of the paperwork.