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Forums - General Discussion - The True or False game


The user below me thinks being a homosexual is wrong?

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False except this this Stereotype homos I don´t like them but the guys who act normal are OK I have a gay buddy

The user below will watch Total Recall (the new one)

NintendoPie said:
brendude13 said:
Nope, watched most of the first one and some of the second and third ones. I'm sorry to say, but they put me to sleep.

You're such a rebel with not putting any questions, aren't you?..... 

PUT QUESTIONS!! You're causing a rift in this thread!

I edited the question in 30 seconds later.
You're too quick.


I didn't know there was a new Total Recall (the old one had Arnie in, right?), I don't normally go to the cinemas so I doubt I'll watch it.

The user below me has owned a Dreamcast.

False. And I'm not aware of enough high quality games to justify a late purchase. (Plus, I've played the shit out of Sonic Adventure 1/2 for the gamecube.)

The user below started his FPS career on Goldeneye.

False I have no FPS career, the only FPS if you wanna call it that, I ever played trough was Bioshock 1+2

the below dislikes First person Shooters.

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False, i love halo

The user below has an xbox 360

True, I have two.

The user below me owns more than 1 gurrent gen console?

True if you count handhelds. I currently have a PS3 and a Vita and I had a 360 for a little over year a while ago.

The user below me likes my new sig


The member below me thinks I need a new sig.

True, it's getting old.

The user below me is looking forward to Spec ops: The Line