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I said that KylieDog wasn't the only person in these threads that bothered me.
Still, even if he only misses one round or did not play one of these games, doesn't that fiddle with the scores ?

I stopped participating because they simply lost their value IMO.

I accept different opinions, but when there are already disputes over what kind of scoring system standard we use (everything 5 and below being trash, against 5 being an average game), why even bother when the end result includes scores from these 2 different standards ?

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RolStoppable said:
Barozi said:
I said that KylieDog wasn't the only person in these threads that bothered me.
Still, even if he only misses one round or did not play one of these games, doesn't that fiddle with the scores ?

I stopped participating because they simply lost their value IMO.

I accept different opinions, but when there are already disputes over what kind of scoring system standard we use (everything 5 and below being trash, against 5 being an average game), why even bother when the end result includes scores from these 2 different standards ?

Because talking about games should be more important than assigning numbers to them.

yup so why posting in a thread called "The VGChartz Ranking Game" ?

I post my opinion of a game usually on its wall.

To answer a major point in the thread regarding the Vita:

For those of you who don't know, I wasn't here for most of 2011. I witnessed some of the 3DS trolling but I wasn't there to respond to it and I certainly wasn't a moderator then. I used the Vita-related trolling as an example because it's a current issue in the forums and a strong example of purposely malicious posting. Sales-related debate is fine but I've seen dozens of cases of outward trolling towards the system. And while I'm aware that it's an inevitability of any forum, I believe that we should strive to be better than that.

However, I am glad to see so many positive responses from people in this thread and that many people really want to have mature, productive discussion. To that end, thank you.



RolStoppable said:
Barozi said:
I said that KylieDog wasn't the only person in these threads that bothered me.
Still, even if he only misses one round or did not play one of these games, doesn't that fiddle with the scores ?

I stopped participating because they simply lost their value IMO.

I accept different opinions, but when there are already disputes over what kind of scoring system standard we use (everything 5 and below being trash, against 5 being an average game), why even bother when the end result includes scores from these 2 different standards ?

Because talking about games should be more important than assigning numbers to them.

I would argue that those threads, being numerically oriented, discourage talking about the games themselves in lieu of the numbers. Part of the reason (aside from the fact that Yo John or Tads rarely do games i have played) are the reason i've never really gotten involved in those threads.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

I think threads should start being closed and redirected. As an example, 360, Vita, and 3DS have about 3-4 threads about sale topics. 2-3 Vita threads about its sales, 2-3 threads about how the MS claimed they were number 1, 3DS is doomed, etc. I think threads need to start being consolidated. I remember back when Sony got hacked, Nsanity had 3 or 4 threads on it for different aspects on it, but they could have been consolidated into 1 big "Sony got hacked" thread, and to be frank, it made it look like he was a trolling Sony. I also think that's why the Vita thread and Nintendo thread has been so popular, everything is getting consolidated into them.

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Not bad at all. I haven't witnessed many of these issues, but I try my best to make the community better, and reporting anyone who breaks the rules.

So, if everyone does the same we can make the site even better!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Oh, and no more 'top 50 elimination' or other threads which last forever and get thousands of posts. It's a gaming site; let's keep it that way...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

darkknightkryta said:
I think threads should start being closed and redirected. As an example, 360, Vita, and 3DS have about 3-4 threads about sale topics. 2-3 Vita threads about its sales, 2-3 threads about how the MS claimed they were number 1, 3DS is doomed, etc. I think threads need to start being consolidated. I remember back when Sony got hacked, Nsanity had 3 or 4 threads on it for different aspects on it, but they could have been consolidated into 1 big "Sony got hacked" thread, and to be frank, it made it look like he was a trolling Sony. I also think that's why the Vita thread and Nintendo thread has been so popular, everything is getting consolidated into them.

Nsanity trolling Sony? No! I can't believe it!!! How could it happen?????   

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

You know I've noticed a lot of the flaming and trolling comes from the new users. There are a lot of those lately with no's kinda obvious they're alts or just up to no good.

Alby_da_Wolf said:
darkknightkryta said:
I think threads should start being closed and redirected. As an example, 360, Vita, and 3DS have about 3-4 threads about sale topics. 2-3 Vita threads about its sales, 2-3 threads about how the MS claimed they were number 1, 3DS is doomed, etc. I think threads need to start being consolidated. I remember back when Sony got hacked, Nsanity had 3 or 4 threads on it for different aspects on it, but they could have been consolidated into 1 big "Sony got hacked" thread, and to be frank, it made it look like he was a trolling Sony. I also think that's why the Vita thread and Nintendo thread has been so popular, everything is getting consolidated into them.

Nsanity trolling Sony? No! I can't believe it!!! How could it happen?????   

This is the kind of post that isn't necessary...even if it's true.