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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong. Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong! Pachter's Wrong!

VicViper said:
I have a collection of old EGMs, and you'd be amazed at the amount of hilarious quotes they got related to nintendo. Especially about them turning 3rd party. And Kaz and Phil Harrison's world class arrogance too!

You should scan them and post them here. I would love to see all these outrageous quotes!

Signature goes here!

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He gets a 6 figure salary regardless if he is wrong or not. He couldn't care because he still gets the last laugh at the end of the day.

TruckOSaurus said:
VicViper said:
I have a collection of old EGMs, and you'd be amazed at the amount of hilarious quotes they got related to nintendo. Especially about them turning 3rd party. And Kaz and Phil Harrison's world class arrogance too!

You should scan them and post them here. I would love to see all these outrageous quotes!

When I get home I see what I can get.

But in their defense, it's not EGM's opinion (mostly), it was usually quotes like this one above. They (EGM) always seemed to like Nintendo - even more than the others.

Pachter is wrong?! BREAKING NEWSSSSSSSSSSssssss

zero129 said:
RolStoppable said:
zero129 said:
RolStoppable said:

We don't know for sure, although I think I remember Iwata stating (a good month ago) that he expects to sell the 3DS at a profit in the following fiscal year which suggests that at least for the current fiscal quarter they are still taking a hit. I also think that they were projecting a loss for this period as well, although the depreciation of the yen might transform it into a slim gain. Nevertheless, Nintendo's profitability shouldn't be dependent on outside factors.

Have you got any type of proof that nintendo is lossing money on the 3DS??, as i couldnt imagine them costing all that much to make??.

Of course. The boss himself said so.

Wow i never imagined that they really cost that much to make O_o, i wonder how much are they losing on each system?, if its not that much id imagine they would make it back with software?.

They are not losing much, since they priced the 3DS so high at launch and were making a huge profit at that price. They may have even started to break even now, and will be making a profit off it very soon.

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Panama said:
To be fair no one could have predicted the Wii would go off the way it did, hell he's still calling it the Revolution in that article.

Actually quite a few members of this site predicted Wii's massive success.

My very first post on this site said so, in December 2006.

As Rol said, E3 2006 was telling of exactly what Wii would do. Patcher and many others simply didn't pay attention.

Additionally, in February of 2007.. I think.. I predicted within a week of when Wii would pass 360 as the #1 console in sales.

I would quote myself, but it takes too much time to search that far back.

When has he ever been right, this guy was born wrong.

Panama said:
To be fair no one could have predicted the Wii would go off the way it did, hell he's still calling it the Revolution in that article.

My blind Nintendo fanboyism of the mid-2000s predicted the Wii would sell like crazy. Unfortunately, those were based on the crazy theories in my head and not actual facts. Read: hype.

TruckOSaurus said:
VicViper said:
I have a collection of old EGMs, and you'd be amazed at the amount of hilarious quotes they got related to nintendo. Especially about them turning 3rd party. And Kaz and Phil Harrison's world class arrogance too!

You should scan them and post them here. I would love to see all these outrageous quotes!

Oh those quotes. They were made of win.

Patcher is always wrong. I swear it's his job, especially when Nintendo are involved.

I mean, he's been banging on about a HD Wii forever, but none was made. And I doubt WiiU will fail as bad as he claims...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.