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Forums - Sales Discussion - PSV v 3DS v PSP v DS - TRUE Aligned launch - Week 80 update. BRUTAL

3DS FTW o.O..... oh wait

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RolStoppable said:
Change the thread title's description from "brutal" to "absolute basket case".

When Vita reaches same week with MH4 o.o Then pokemon O.O

So Vita sold 1/3 of the PSP at this point in time and 3DS still tracking below....yup, seems like handhelds will continue to shrink.

Wonder if a $199 Nintendo handheld would work out in the future with a separate bare bones version at launch for the families/kiddies Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

Otakumegane said:
So Vita sold 1/3 of the PSP at this point in time and 3DS still tracking below....yup, seems like handhelds will continue to shrink.

Wonder if a $199 Nintendo handheld would work out in the future with a separate bare bones version at launch for the families/kiddies

not sure if serious,pokemon about to come out and japan will be huge with MH4. Also 2DS is going to be massive

Dat Vita alright. It's so damn far behind particularly in the US I see little which can help it.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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So sad to see handhelds declining, the 3DS is doing pretty well to keep up with the DS though, but it won't likely hold out much longer

007BondAgent said:

So sad to see handhelds declining, the 3DS is doing pretty well to keep up with the DS though, but it won't likely hold out much longer

it will track down by alot but not as bad since 2DS is Coming!!!

kowenicki said:
Paul said:
Great post. You should update it weekly.

I will keep the records and will update now and then.

Whats your view on this?  Sony like to use the word momentum... Vita has none at the moment.

Certainly selling better than Microsofts handheld ;D

It will be very interesting to see Vita after the price cut, and how well 3DS will do this holiday! Interesting times ahead indeed

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Man, it feels like the Dreamcast days all over again...