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Forums - Politics Discussion - Pope denounces U.S. political push to legalize gay marriage

Heavenly_King said:

I think he is right (not from a religious point), the fact of being gay, doesn't should be promoted, because being gay (male homosexual) occurs because of some genetic material to be absent in their Chromosomes while being conceived . And the other way that it occurs (in gays and lesbians) is that during childhood the person is a victim of certain experience that affect its natural "brain patterns", those experiences can be traumatic, or just because he/she hasn't develop a good self esteem is vulnerable to social pressure.

So if you promote this "sexual option" you can make of this something normal, or something natural; when it is not by the reasons explained above.

They should not be able to get married because they would most probably intend to adopt children. And those children having that kind of influence, will have the wrong perception of how things really work.

Speaking on a Biological stand-point, homosexuality is not viable because the human race would extinguish. And If you try to fix that by cloning, there would not be genetic diversity, making of the population susceptible to a single, bacteria, virus or disease; having eventually the repercussion of human extinction.

What I trying to say here is that being homosexual is not wrong because most religions say so, I am trying to say here is that from a social, genetic, biological point of view, it is just wrong; and MUST NOT be promoted or supported.

Gay people deserve to be happy? YES; Gay people deserve respect? YES; Gay people should be offered with the same kind of opportunities for success?? YES; Gay people must not be offended for what they are? YES.

Should Gay people try to make the whole world to understand their point of view on sexual preference ? NO, because it doesn't matter what they say, it is wrong.

Please tell me you're joking.

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Runa216 said:
Heavenly_King said:

I think he is right (not from a religious point), the fact of being gay, doesn't should be promoted, because being gay (male homosexual) occurs because of some genetic material to be absent in their Chromosomes while being conceived . And the other way that it occurs (in gays and lesbians) is that during childhood the person is a victim of certain experience that affect its natural "brain patterns", those experiences can be traumatic, or just because he/she hasn't develop a good self esteem is vulnerable to social pressure.

So if you promote this "sexual option" you can make of this something normal, or something natural; when it is not by the reasons explained above.

They should not be able to get married because they would most probably intend to adopt children. And those children having that kind of influence, will have the wrong perception of how things really work.

Speaking on a Biological stand-point, homosexuality is not viable because the human race would extinguish. And If you try to fix that by cloning, there would not be genetic diversity, making of the population susceptible to a single, bacteria, virus or disease; having eventually the repercussion of human extinction.

What I trying to say here is that being homosexual is not wrong because most religions say so, I am trying to say here is that from a social, genetic, biological point of view, it is just wrong; and MUST NOT be promoted or supported.

Gay people deserve to be happy? YES; Gay people deserve respect? YES; Gay people should be offered with the same kind of opportunities for success?? YES; Gay people must not be offended for what they are? YES.

Should Gay people try to make the whole world to understand their point of view on sexual preference ? NO, because it doesn't matter what they say, it is wrong.

Please tell me you're joking.

Nope, not joking, just stating facts.   If you dont believe me, just search the web; or read a book about genetic sexual differentiation, or about "social involvement".

Heavenly_King said:

I think he is right (not from a religious point), the fact of being gay, doesn't should be promoted, because being gay (male homosexual) occurs because of some genetic material to be absent in their Chromosomes while being conceived . And the other way that it occurs (in gays and lesbians) is that during childhood the person is a victim of certain experience that affect its natural "brain patterns", those experiences can be traumatic, or just because he/she hasn't develop a good self esteem is vulnerable to social pressure.

So if you promote this "sexual option" you can make of this something normal, or something natural; when it is not by the reasons explained above.

They should not be able to get married because they would most probably intend to adopt children. And those children having that kind of influence, will have the wrong perception of how things really work.

Speaking on a Biological stand-point, homosexuality is not viable because the human race would extinguish. And If you try to fix that by cloning, there would not be genetic diversity, making the population susceptible to a single, bacteria, virus or disease; having eventually the repercussion of human extinction.

What I trying to say here is that being homosexual is not wrong because most religions say so, I am trying to say here is that from a social, genetic, biological point of view, it is just wrong; and MUST NOT be promoted or supported.

Gay people deserve to be happy? YES; Gay people deserve respect? YES; Gay people should be offered with the same kind of opportunities for success?? YES; Gay people must not be offended for what they are? YES.

Should Gay people try to make the whole world to understand their point of view on sexual preference ? NO, because it doesn't matter what they say, it is wrong.

How can something that occurs regularly in nature be unnatural? You show such a fundamental lack of knowledge of biology it's painful. Also, I was raised Catholic and my development would have benefitted greatly from simply being told that I was normal and healthy, but instead I was fed lies about sexual deviance. Furthermore, why shouldn't homosexual couples be allowed to adopt? You actually think it would be worse for a child to grow up with gay parents than no parents at all? You are totally insane!

Heavenly_King said:
Runa216 said:
Heavenly_King said:

I think he is right (not from a religious point), the fact of being gay, doesn't should be promoted, because being gay (male homosexual) occurs because of some genetic material to be absent in their Chromosomes while being conceived . And the other way that it occurs (in gays and lesbians) is that during childhood the person is a victim of certain experience that affect its natural "brain patterns", those experiences can be traumatic, or just because he/she hasn't develop a good self esteem is vulnerable to social pressure.

So if you promote this "sexual option" you can make of this something normal, or something natural; when it is not by the reasons explained above.

They should not be able to get married because they would most probably intend to adopt children. And those children having that kind of influence, will have the wrong perception of how things really work.

Speaking on a Biological stand-point, homosexuality is not viable because the human race would extinguish. And If you try to fix that by cloning, there would not be genetic diversity, making of the population susceptible to a single, bacteria, virus or disease; having eventually the repercussion of human extinction.

What I trying to say here is that being homosexual is not wrong because most religions say so, I am trying to say here is that from a social, genetic, biological point of view, it is just wrong; and MUST NOT be promoted or supported.

Gay people deserve to be happy? YES; Gay people deserve respect? YES; Gay people should be offered with the same kind of opportunities for success?? YES; Gay people must not be offended for what they are? YES.

Should Gay people try to make the whole world to understand their point of view on sexual preference ? NO, because it doesn't matter what they say, it is wrong.

Please tell me you're joking.

Nope, not joking, just stating facts.   If you dont believe me, just search the web; or read a book about genetic sexual differentiation, or about "social involvement".

Your idea would hold true if it wasn't for the fact that there isn't a common link between how a child grows up and the environment they are in and homosexuality.
Regardless if you have a father figure or not, a nice normal loving family or a violent one what colour your parents hair is... If you have siblings or you are an only child... There is a chance for someone to be gay.

As for adoption and marriage. Marriage is fine. Gay and lesbians are the same as everyone else. - The world isn't suddenly going to be filled with rainbows with men holding hands whilst frollocking in a field of daisy's. Life will go on like it has for millions of years.

Adoption is a tricky thing, most people claim that having gay parents will affect the child negatively.

Well. Straight people aren't perfect at raising children either. - I've seen straight parents who were Physically and Verbally abusive towards there children, I've seen straight parents kick there child out of home, I've seen straight parents raise there children in a dump, I've seen straight parents do some bad things and end up in jail.
You can't tell me that a loving normal gay relationship is going to be any worst than that.

So instead of complaining and worrying how gays and lesbians will effect the world and society in general... Hows about you start fixing the problems in your own backyard first before targeting a minority?

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

bouzane said:
Heavenly_King said:

I think he is right (not from a religious point), the fact of being gay, doesn't should be promoted, because being gay (male homosexual) occurs because of some genetic material to be absent in their Chromosomes while being conceived . And the other way that it occurs (in gays and lesbians) is that during childhood the person is a victim of certain experience that affect its natural "brain patterns", those experiences can be traumatic, or just because he/she hasn't develop a good self esteem is vulnerable to social pressure.

So if you promote this "sexual option" you can make of this something normal, or something natural; when it is not by the reasons explained above.

They should not be able to get married because they would most probably intend to adopt children. And those children having that kind of influence, will have the wrong perception of how things really work.

Speaking on a Biological stand-point, homosexuality is not viable because the human race would extinguish. And If you try to fix that by cloning, there would not be genetic diversity, making the population susceptible to a single, bacteria, virus or disease; having eventually the repercussion of human extinction.

What I trying to say here is that being homosexual is not wrong because most religions say so, I am trying to say here is that from a social, genetic, biological point of view, it is just wrong; and MUST NOT be promoted or supported.

Gay people deserve to be happy? YES; Gay people deserve respect? YES; Gay people should be offered with the same kind of opportunities for success?? YES; Gay people must not be offended for what they are? YES.

Should Gay people try to make the whole world to understand their point of view on sexual preference ? NO, because it doesn't matter what they say, it is wrong.

How can something that occurs regularly in nature be unnatural? You show such a fundamental lack of knowledge of biology it's painful. Also, I was raised Catholic and my development would have benefitted greatly from simply being told that I was normal and healthy, but instead I was fed lies about sexual deviance. Furthermore, why shouldn't homosexual couples be allowed to adopt? You actually think it would be worse for a child to grow up with gay parents than no parents at all? You are totally insane!

lol.   I did not say that is is unnatural, I said it is wrong.   It is natural, and inherent to our genetic material to be predisposed to certain biological or social factors (way of life) that can alter in some ways it adequate function.     And your theory that there are so many homosexuals in the world that it is "right" (I know you didnt say it with those words); is invalid.   It may be the normal thing to happen these days, but that, doesnt make it right.    In the whole world there is poberty, it is normal? YES, it is right??? NO.    In all Goverments around the world, people in charge steal money from the people they should protect, it is normal??? YES, it is right??? NO.   Thousands of people are slayed in africa due to "religious" differences for years now; is it normal??? YES,  It is right??? NO.

Cancers are the result of genetic mutantions due to inhability to repair the DNA while cells are replicating, and a natural thing to happen because we are not perfect.   There are millions of people around the world with CANCER, is a natural thing to occur? YES, it is normal to occur?? YES,  it is GOOD???? NO.   

I hope this enlight you a little.    Just because something is spreaded all over the world it doesnt mean it is the right thing to happen, not just with sexual preference, but also with lots of other things out of topic.

Around the Network
Heavenly_King said:
bouzane said:
Heavenly_King said:

I think he is right (not from a religious point), the fact of being gay, doesn't should be promoted, because being gay (male homosexual) occurs because of some genetic material to be absent in their Chromosomes while being conceived . And the other way that it occurs (in gays and lesbians) is that during childhood the person is a victim of certain experience that affect its natural "brain patterns", those experiences can be traumatic, or just because he/she hasn't develop a good self esteem is vulnerable to social pressure.

So if you promote this "sexual option" you can make of this something normal, or something natural; when it is not by the reasons explained above.

They should not be able to get married because they would most probably intend to adopt children. And those children having that kind of influence, will have the wrong perception of how things really work.

Speaking on a Biological stand-point, homosexuality is not viable because the human race would extinguish. And If you try to fix that by cloning, there would not be genetic diversity, making the population susceptible to a single, bacteria, virus or disease; having eventually the repercussion of human extinction.

What I trying to say here is that being homosexual is not wrong because most religions say so, I am trying to say here is that from a social, genetic, biological point of view, it is just wrong; and MUST NOT be promoted or supported.

Gay people deserve to be happy? YES; Gay people deserve respect? YES; Gay people should be offered with the same kind of opportunities for success?? YES; Gay people must not be offended for what they are? YES.

Should Gay people try to make the whole world to understand their point of view on sexual preference ? NO, because it doesn't matter what they say, it is wrong.

How can something that occurs regularly in nature be unnatural? You show such a fundamental lack of knowledge of biology it's painful. Also, I was raised Catholic and my development would have benefitted greatly from simply being told that I was normal and healthy, but instead I was fed lies about sexual deviance. Furthermore, why shouldn't homosexual couples be allowed to adopt? You actually think it would be worse for a child to grow up with gay parents than no parents at all? You are totally insane!

lol.   I did not say that is is unnatural, I said it is wrong.   It is natural, and inherent to our genetic material to be predisposed to certain biological or social factors (way of life) that can alter in some ways it adequate function.     And your theory that there are so many homosexuals in the world that it is "right" (I know you didnt say it with those words); is invalid.   It may be the normal thing to happen these days, but that, doesnt make it right.    In the whole world there is poberty, it is normal? YES, it is right??? NO.    In all Goverments around the world, people in charge steal money from the people they should protect, it is normal??? YES, it is right??? NO.   Thousands of people are slayed in africa due to "religious" differences for years now; is it normal??? YES,  It is right??? NO.

Cancers are the result of genetic mutantions due to inhability to repair the DNA while cells are replicating, and a natural thing to happen because we are not perfect.   There are millions of people around the world with CANCER, is a natural thing to occur? YES, it is normal to occur?? YES,  it is GOOD???? NO.   

I hope this enlight you a little.    Just because something is spreaded all over the world it doesnt mean it is the right thing to happen, not just with sexual preference, but also with lots of other things out of topic.

It's pathetic how religious warfare could ever be considered normal. Anybody who compares homosexuality to cancer is below me, consider this my final reply to you. My moral indignation to your statements can not possibly be described with words, especially not on a forum where I am expected to conduct myself in a civil manner.

Pemalite said:
Heavenly_King said:
Runa216 said:
Heavenly_King said:

I think he is right (not from a religious point), the fact of being gay, doesn't should be promoted, because being gay (male homosexual) occurs because of some genetic material to be absent in their Chromosomes while being conceived . And the other way that it occurs (in gays and lesbians) is that during childhood the person is a victim of certain experience that affect its natural "brain patterns", those experiences can be traumatic, or just because he/she hasn't develop a good self esteem is vulnerable to social pressure.

So if you promote this "sexual option" you can make of this something normal, or something natural; when it is not by the reasons explained above.

They should not be able to get married because they would most probably intend to adopt children. And those children having that kind of influence, will have the wrong perception of how things really work.

Speaking on a Biological stand-point, homosexuality is not viable because the human race would extinguish. And If you try to fix that by cloning, there would not be genetic diversity, making of the population susceptible to a single, bacteria, virus or disease; having eventually the repercussion of human extinction.

What I trying to say here is that being homosexual is not wrong because most religions say so, I am trying to say here is that from a social, genetic, biological point of view, it is just wrong; and MUST NOT be promoted or supported.

Gay people deserve to be happy? YES; Gay people deserve respect? YES; Gay people should be offered with the same kind of opportunities for success?? YES; Gay people must not be offended for what they are? YES.

Should Gay people try to make the whole world to understand their point of view on sexual preference ? NO, because it doesn't matter what they say, it is wrong.

Please tell me you're joking.

Nope, not joking, just stating facts.   If you dont believe me, just search the web; or read a book about genetic sexual differentiation, or about "social involvement".

Your idea would hold true if it wasn't for the fact that there isn't a common link between how a child grows up and the environment they are in and homosexuality.
Regardless if you have a father figure or not, a nice normal loving family or a violent one what colour your parents hair is... If you have siblings or you are an only child... There is a chance for someone to be gay.

As for adoption and marriage. Marriage is fine. Gay and lesbians are the same as everyone else. - The world isn't suddenly going to be filled with rainbows with men holding hands whilst frollocking in a field of daisy's. Life will go on like it has for millions of years.

Adoption is a tricky thing, most people claim that having gay parents will affect the child negatively.

Well. Straight people aren't perfect at raising children either. - I've seen straight parents who were Physically and Verbally abusive towards there children, I've seen straight parents kick there child out of home, I've seen straight parents raise there children in a dump, I've seen straight parents do some bad things and end up in jail.
You can't tell me that a loving normal gay relationship is going to be any worst than that.

So instead of complaining and worrying how gays and lesbians will effect the world and society in general... Hows about you start fixing the problems in your own backyard first before targeting a minorit

I concur with your point, but the topic was just about Homosexual people, that is why I didnt write about Heterosexuals.

Heterosexual parents have probabilities to be good parents or not, affecting the kid´s childhood in a bad or possitive way; making the kid into a civilzed human being with an adecuatte moral, with good sense of the enviroment that surrounds him; or a damn parasite that wont contribute with the society and will disrupt it; or something in the middle lol.

Now you have Homosexual parents.     They as well as having the probabilities of being good or bad parents, just like heterosexuals, they have another variant in the equation; that will most probably change the kid perception of reality.

No one is perfect, but if the worst situation is about to happen, I ask you.    In order to have a kid to develop in good, with an adecuate sense of social interaction and repercution (and having in mind the future of the species lol XD); which kind of parents would you choose to raise a kid (remember that both kind have the same probability of being good and bad)???

So in resume even though there are some bad hetersexual parents, that make bad thing to their kids (JUST WRONG); there are also good and caring parents.   Allowing gay marriage and adoption; will make that as well as having to only fix 1 problem, you will have to fix 2.

bouzane said:
Heavenly_King said:
bouzane said:
Heavenly_King said:

I think he is right (not from a religious point), the fact of being gay, doesn't should be promoted, because being gay (male homosexual) occurs because of some genetic material to be absent in their Chromosomes while being conceived . And the other way that it occurs (in gays and lesbians) is that during childhood the person is a victim of certain experience that affect its natural "brain patterns", those experiences can be traumatic, or just because he/she hasn't develop a good self esteem is vulnerable to social pressure.

So if you promote this "sexual option" you can make of this something normal, or something natural; when it is not by the reasons explained above.

They should not be able to get married because they would most probably intend to adopt children. And those children having that kind of influence, will have the wrong perception of how things really work.

Speaking on a Biological stand-point, homosexuality is not viable because the human race would extinguish. And If you try to fix that by cloning, there would not be genetic diversity, making the population susceptible to a single, bacteria, virus or disease; having eventually the repercussion of human extinction.

What I trying to say here is that being homosexual is not wrong because most religions say so, I am trying to say here is that from a social, genetic, biological point of view, it is just wrong; and MUST NOT be promoted or supported.

Gay people deserve to be happy? YES; Gay people deserve respect? YES; Gay people should be offered with the same kind of opportunities for success?? YES; Gay people must not be offended for what they are? YES.

Should Gay people try to make the whole world to understand their point of view on sexual preference ? NO, because it doesn't matter what they say, it is wrong.

How can something that occurs regularly in nature be unnatural? You show such a fundamental lack of knowledge of biology it's painful. Also, I was raised Catholic and my development would have benefitted greatly from simply being told that I was normal and healthy, but instead I was fed lies about sexual deviance. Furthermore, why shouldn't homosexual couples be allowed to adopt? You actually think it would be worse for a child to grow up with gay parents than no parents at all? You are totally insane!

lol.   I did not say that is is unnatural, I said it is wrong.   It is natural, and inherent to our genetic material to be predisposed to certain biological or social factors (way of life) that can alter in some ways it adequate function.     And your theory that there are so many homosexuals in the world that it is "right" (I know you didnt say it with those words); is invalid.   It may be the normal thing to happen these days, but that, doesnt make it right.    In the whole world there is poberty, it is normal? YES, it is right??? NO.    In all Goverments around the world, people in charge steal money from the people they should protect, it is normal??? YES, it is right??? NO.   Thousands of people are slayed in africa due to "religious" differences for years now; is it normal??? YES,  It is right??? NO.

Cancers are the result of genetic mutantions due to inhability to repair the DNA while cells are replicating, and a natural thing to happen because we are not perfect.   There are millions of people around the world with CANCER, is a natural thing to occur? YES, it is normal to occur?? YES,  it is GOOD???? NO.   

I hope this enlight you a little.    Just because something is spreaded all over the world it doesnt mean it is the right thing to happen, not just with sexual preference, but also with lots of other things out of topic.

It's pathetic how religious warfare could ever be considered normal. Anybody who compares homosexuality to cancer is below me, consider this my final reply to you. My moral indignation to your statements can not possibly be described with words, especially not on a forum where I am expected to conduct myself in a civil manner.

Definition of normal: Conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level, or type; typical.

"Religious warfare" is a NORMAL/TYPICAL/STANDARD  thing to happen in this world sadly.

Now, the comparison I made. I made it, so that you can make notice that if something occurs every day it is NORMAL, and it doesnt matter if it is right or wrong.    Right or wrong doesnt validate or invalidate a statement.   I putted as examples genetic errors like cancers in order to make you notice in a drastic case that everything that is all over the world is not right from a genetic point of view.    You said to me that the genetic deficiency that occurs is right (according to you), because it happens regularly in the world, and that is wrong.

I dont mean to insult anyone, I just wanted to make my point clear, nothing more.

Saying that being gay is morally wrong is...despicable and disgusting. Pathetic. Barbaric. Seriously, that's

What is your reasoning behind why it's 'wrong'? because the 'extreme' of having ALL Gay people would mean humans would stop reproducing or something? you'd have to be pants on head stupid to actually believe that's in any way likely to happen. Ever. Wow man, wow. I facepalmed so hard at the realization I was dealing with an extremist who didn't see the absurdity of his comments.

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

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Runa216 said:
Jay520 said:

No, not really.

You shouldn't do Religion, becuase Religion is bad, mmkay?  

Stop shoving your atheism down everyone's throat.