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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What can Nintendo do to bring you back to them?

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JayWood2010 said:
Seeing as how the DS is the number one selling console of all time and the Wii is number one of this gen consoles I dont believe they have lost to many people. They have actually gained.

Then there is Microsoft who has also gained with the help of third parties and XBL

If you are going to make an article about this stupidity do it with a company that has lost a lot, AKA PS3 vs PS2.

Sounds about right. Nintendo more or less maintained its fanbase through handhelds during the dark ages of the N64 and GameCube and came back to the Home Console table when the Wii came out. While I thought GameCube was fairly pathetic, I did love Gameboy Advance SP.

I don't think many current Sony or Xbox fans were originaly Nintendo fans, most PS3 fans seem to have started gaming with a Sega or Sony console, and most Xbox fans were/are PC gaming fans. I don't know many people who had an NES or SNES besides me and a few friends - and all of us have Wii and DS.

I think as well, Sony Microsoft appeal to the single male gamer (especially Xbox, even the name of it sounds like the Internet handle of a single male gamer) in the 10-24 age range, whereas Nintendo appeals to children, women, and the gamer who is in a commited relationship. Just go into a store and look at the people who are looking at games, single guys mostly. So maybe it is just that gamers grow out of Nintenso, and then grow back into Nintendo later.

I also don't see people who started with GameCube (and therefore GameCube fans) as true Nintendo fans; they don't want Nintendo to be like Nintendo, they want Nintendo to be Sony Junior.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

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They have never completely lost me. Still, the WiiU should be a proper HD console with an even better online service. Wouldn´t be too bad if the WiiU got all the multiplatform games. BluRay playability will probably stay wishful thinking, but I hate having to buy so many devices to satisfy all needs.

I'm in the 'they never lost me' category. However, theoretically, if the 3DS and WiiU both get significant Japanese 3rd party support, I could potentially see myself being a Nintendo platform only gamer for the rest of my student days.

I'll get on board with Nintendo if they kill Mario and Luigi. Until then I can't in good conscience throw the bulk of my gaming money their way.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

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Jimi Hendrix


binary solo said:
I'll get on board with Nintendo if they kill Mario and Luigi. Until then I can't in good conscience throw the bulk of my gaming money their way.

Haha, this made me laugh some how =P

Although, what are your reasons for drawing this conlcusion?

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

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they never lost me in anyway bcos of their imaginative innovations that has influence the gaming industry
over the years but it wouldn't hurt if they get everything right like online gaming, exclusive online content,
more multiplatform and exclusive 3rd parties and market them properly for them this time around to make
it work , graphics to be competitive next to other competitors to look more like PS2 generation rather than
WII generation and lastly, somewhere along the line if they can make it 4 tablet controller multiplayer (maybe when
they remodel the WiiU later in its cycle) to bring back the offline multiplayer party with friends inside one living
room like in the GOLDENEYE dayz( I think this idea will be awesome).

They never lost me, but I am starting to question their current direction. The Wii U looks as though it's trying to impress people that are PS and 360 fans by being more of a "hardcore" system. I personally like Nintendo more when they are being themselves.

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They never really 'lost' me entirely...well, kind of with the GameCube because their 1st party games disappointed me (exception of Metroid Prime and Smash Bros) and the Wii due to motion controls,which I dislike, but at least their games this gen are far better than their efforts on the GameCube, imo.

So, maybe unlike many people, I´m glad they´re returning to a more traditional controller with the Wii U.

I'm surprised how many people are in the "they never lost me" department. When I was a kid I had a SNES. Then the new generation came along and I had no money to buy the n64 nor did my parents want to to buy one. So I grew out of the Nintendo stuff and nothing they did from the n64-era until now gave me an incentive to go back.

I figure it would take them a monumental amount of effort to get me back to them, and my list pretty much amounts to almost all of the stuff that the op listed.

For starters, they have been regurgitating the same franchises for the last decade, franchises that I couldn't care less about. So they would have to create new appealing IPs and revive franchises that I did care about back when I had my SNES (F-Zero, Star Fox).

I also don't care about the motion-gaming crap, so there needs to be a decent controller which is supported for all the games I would want to play.

There also needs to be a smooth and robust online infrastructure.

Decent 3rd-party support is a must, since I don't want to wait a whole year for anything to play while in the meantime the console collects dust.

Decent graphics.


So yea, they pretty much would need to do EVERYTHING different as opposed to what they are doing now. Of course, I don't expect them to succeed or even attempt all of this, and I don't mind since I have plenty of alternatives that fulfil my gaming needs (PC+PS3). So their core problem is that not only would they need to appeal to me, but they would have to that more than the competition already does and I highly doubt that Nintendo would think that this is a viable market strategy.