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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Nintendo News Thread: "Born a Nintendo Fan, die a Nintendo fan!

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What would you give for Nintendo to be #1 again this gen?

500 dollars 1,316 72.35%
Kidney 2 0.11%
Soul 9 0.49%
virginity 16 0.88%
Your favorite puppy 6 0.33%
Your 1,000 dollar copy of Xenoblades 8 0.44%
An hour of your time 26 1.43%
Other ( post below) 6 0.33%
....Left testicle.... 13 0.71%
Pezus's freedom 22 1.21%

3DS VC: Sonic Labyrinth (Game Gear)
DSiWare: Curling Super Championship
Wii VC: Wonder Boy in Monster Land (VCA), Monster World IV (MD)

Rumored EU update this week

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

Around the Network
spurgeonryan said:
I will not be wasting my time on downloadable ones. Not for the same price.

same. not even a lower price. i like to have physical games. although, discs do tend to wear...


nintendo forever . . .

theARTIST0017 said:
spurgeonryan said:
I will not be wasting my time on downloadable ones. Not for the same price.

same. not even a lower price. i like to have physical games. although, discs do tend to wear...

If they hard coat the disc surface like I hope they will, they'll last a lot longer.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

There is not really much that is going on it seems... except that old man with the Turkey Hat.

Viper1 said:
theARTIST0017 said:
spurgeonryan said:
I will not be wasting my time on downloadable ones. Not for the same price.

same. not even a lower price. i like to have physical games. although, discs do tend to wear...

If they hard coat the disc surface like I hope they will, they'll last a lot longer.

agreed! x10


nintendo forever . . .

Around the Network

Here's hoping Heroes of Ruin is not a 6/10 game! It's my most hyped Western 3DS game.

Salnax said:
Here's hoping Heroes of Ruin is not a 6/10 game! It's my most hyped Western 3DS game.

Im interested too. Wouldn't put much onus on that review yet, since ive never heard of that mag.

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

I don't think that's the actual Wii U block diagram in that patent. It looks far too much like the a Wii block diagram. And given the nature of the patent it is taken from, it doesn't have to be the Wii U in the diagram as it only has to show an example of what a console block diagram looks like.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

I like the Wii U launch list.

I am think that new Super Mario Bros Mii will be the new bundle title -possibly in digital copy.


Adventure Time also coming to the 3DS! Releases this fall! Wayforward is also helping developing the game!

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3