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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Wii U Thread!: Pokemon Rubmle U coming to Wii U

Tagged games:


What old franchise should Nintendo revive first on the Wii U?

Star Fox 220 47.31%
F-Zero 110 23.66%
Wave Race 29 6.24%
Top-Down Zelda 55 11.83%
Show me the results. 28 6.02%
DélioPT said:
"will feature a large number of retail games gone digital"

If this means that games already released for PS3 and Xbox 360 will be available online i will be a happy man! :)

Just like PS3 gamers have been happy getting Wii games on PSN, we will be happy getting HD ports on the eShop :)

@Twitter | Switch | Steam

You say tomato, I say tomato 

"¡Viva la Ñ!"

Around the Network
TomaTito said:
DélioPT said:
"will feature a large number of retail games gone digital"

If this means that games already released for PS3 and Xbox 360 will be available online i will be a happy man! :)

Just like PS3 gamers have been happy getting Wii games on PSN, we will be happy getting HD ports on the eShop :)

There are Wii games on PSN?
The only game that i can think of the last RE for Wii. But i thought that was for retail.

IamAwsome said:
Kenology said:
At the inevitable WiiU unveiling sometime in the near future, I really hope I see a new Endless Ocean game or, even moreso, a new Waverace.

Dear god would Waverace be awesome.

Wave Race + Japanese tech demo water  RETRO STUDIOS = Me camping out at Best Buy 1 week before the actual release. 

Oh man, me too. That would alone hype me up to buy the console in its first year.

It may just mean that it can be downloaded digitally ala NSMB 2, the wording isn't the clearest..

DélioPT said:
TomaTito said:
DélioPT said:
"will feature a large number of retail games gone digital"

If this means that games already released for PS3 and Xbox 360 will be available online i will be a happy man! :)

Just like PS3 gamers have been happy getting Wii games on PSN, we will be happy getting HD ports on the eShop :)

There are Wii games on PSN?
The only game that i can think of the last RE for Wii. But i thought that was for retail.

There are a few Wii games on retail. But I thought there where some on PSN, remember reading here a PS3 user was happy about Wii PSN releases when the Nights game was announced... Only see Dead Space Extraction on PSN. Should have made that statement in singular xD

@Twitter | Switch | Steam

You say tomato, I say tomato 

"¡Viva la Ñ!"

Around the Network
TomaTito said:
DélioPT said:
TomaTito said:
DélioPT said:
"will feature a large number of retail games gone digital"

If this means that games already released for PS3 and Xbox 360 will be available online i will be a happy man! :)

Just like PS3 gamers have been happy getting Wii games on PSN, we will be happy getting HD ports on the eShop :)

There are Wii games on PSN?
The only game that i can think of the last RE for Wii. But i thought that was for retail.

There are a few Wii games on retail. But I thought there where some on PSN, remember reading here a PS3 user was happy about Wii PSN releases when the Nights game was announced... Only see Dead Space Extraction on PSN. Should have made that statement in singular xD

They could shift some titles over to PSN - especially PSN, seeing as Move is pretty much the same as a Wii Remote, if not more accurate.
There are a lot of party, normal and Wiiware games that could go PSN`s way.

Actually, i`m surprised i don`t hear more about ports!

Lots of Scribblenauts Unlimited information


- Players will learn about Maxwell’s motivations and how he got ahold of his notebook
- Super Scribblenauts let you choose between controlling Max by switching between button and touchscreen controls in a menu
- In Scribblenauts Unlimited, the GamePad lets you use either method at any time
- More onscreen objects thanks to the power of Wii U
- Super Scribblenauts let you have 12 items at once; Scribblenauts Unlimited lets you have around 60
- More realistic water
- New shaders, cool particle effects, and more


- Analog stick: move Maxwell
- D-pad: cycle through on-screen objects
- Touchscreen: shows same content on TV; lets you write words, interact with objects, aim weapons; move Maxwell and the camera if you wish
- B: jump
- A: action
- X: go through doors
- ZR: zoom in
- ZL: zoom out


- In co-op, one player Wii controls Maxwell and his notebook
- Up to three others can join in with Wiimotes at anytime
- They can take the reins of any object that has been produced
- Game is divided into 30-40 large interconnected themed worlds
- 5th Cell still determining the final number
- Each is fully explorable and has multiple objectives
- Areas include Hyphen Heights, the Metaforest, Underscore Mine, and The Saurus Park
- You can use each area as a sandbox
- Anything you make or events that occur will still be there if you leave and come back later
- Worlds are populated with NPCs
- NPCs usually have quests
- Complete a quest, earn Starites or Starite shards
- 10 shards make a Starite
- Quests that give you shards are typically quick and simple
- Ex: lawn may need to be trimmed, tyrannosaurus needs food dislodged from its throat, child has lost its toy
- Each challenge has many solutions
- Full Starite challenges are longer and more complex, similar to previous Scribblenauts games
- Allosaurus on the Loose mission: bring a person capable of tracking a dinosaur, give him a tool to help him find his prey, place something in the cage to entice the dinosaur, provide a distraction to get the dinosaur’s attention, and then find a way to make it sleep once it has worn itself out
- Date Night mission: help a young man look presentable, hook him up with a gift and transportation, establish a romantic mood, and help the couple with their wedding after the man proposes
- Find quests naturally by interacting with NPCs
- Can also use the Starite View
- This points out the NPCs that have missions for you
- 60 Starite tasks
- 400+ shard quests

Object editor

- Object editor lets you start with any object you want
- Alter it by changing its colors, scaling or rotating its various parts, adding textures, and combining it with other objects (applied in the form of stamps)
- Once your object is actually made, you can determine its behavior with the same scripting tools that programmers use to dictate the actions of regular objects in the game
- Can program your object so it behaves in specific ways when certain events occur
- Give your object a unique name
- Write to conjure the object later
- Upload your object to an online server and share it with friends
- There will be Miiverse integration and multiple search filters to help find and share the type of objects you’re interested in


- Maxwell has a twin sister named Lily and 40 brothers
- Maxwell’s parents are Edgar and Julie
- Both were explorers before settling down and having kids
- Each child was given a special magical gift they acquired on their travels
- Lily received a globe that let her instantly visit anywhere in the world
- Max was given a notebook that allowed him to create anything simply by writing it
- Having these powers made the children a bit spoiled
- Max one day decided to play a trick on a hungry beggar by conjuring and feeding him a rotten apple
- After eating the apple, the beggar revealed that he had magical powers
- He retaliated by putting a curse on Lily that caused her to start turning to stone
- Starites are the only things that can prevent the curse from overtaking Lily completely
- You can only receive Starites by earning people’s gratitude
- Max dedicates himself to good and sets out on a quest to travel the world and collect enough Starites to make things right
- Max uses Lily’s globe to travel
- Players will encounter Max’s brothers while exploring
- Complete their missions to unlock them as playable characters
- Their magical gifts aren’t discussed in the game


- Can use adjectives while making objects
- Adjectives bring about strategic elements
- Ex: slip by a dragon by making it sleepy, causing it to be harmless
- New and updated words
- Can make an arcade game and give it a retro-pixelated look
- A handheld video game makes the graphics pixelated and seaweed green like the original Game Boy
- Max and NPCs can be equipped with with different outfits including a hot dog suit, frog suit. hamburger suit, tanuki suit that lets you fly
- Choose to make your creations male or female for the first time
- Can make a female Abraham Lincoln or female grandpa

On a side-note: All of this information is from Nintendo Power. Why does it have to close down?! Nintendo Power is my childhood! Why?! Why?! *cries and curls in a ball*

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

DélioPT said:
"will feature a large number of retail games gone digital"

If this means that games already released for PS3 and Xbox 360 will be available online i will be a happy man! :)

I think it just means that they are (probably) aiming to have "most" games that are released on disc made available online ...

Depending on how the fees are structured for digital sales, this could be a fairly easy sell for Nintendo; and digital sales could be a huge benefit to developers (especially smaller studios). With how limited shelf space is for games in most stores, most games only have a few weeks to get the majority of their sales because newer (often more anticipated) titles soon take their shelf space. An additional 100,000 to 250,000 sales to many big franchises over 12 to 24 months may not be that meaningful, but for smaller studios this can make the difference between being a profitable company or not (especially if the developer keeps the lion's share of the former retailer's cut).

Official Wii CPU user's manual surfaces

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

HappySqurriel said:
DélioPT said:
"will feature a large number of retail games gone digital"

If this means that games already released for PS3 and Xbox 360 will be available online i will be a happy man! :)

I think it just means that they are (probably) aiming to have "most" games that are released on disc made available online ...

Depending on how the fees are structured for digital sales, this could be a fairly easy sell for Nintendo; and digital sales could be a huge benefit to developers (especially smaller studios). With how limited shelf space is for games in most stores, most games only have a few weeks to get the majority of their sales because newer (often more anticipated) titles soon take their shelf space. An additional 100,000 to 250,000 sales to many big franchises over 12 to 24 months may not be that meaningful, but for smaller studios this can make the difference between being a profitable company or not (especially if the developer keeps the lion's share of the former retailer's cut).

I feared it meant only that.
Well, it`s still good. There are old games that it`s really hard, if not impossible, to find in stores. Games that future adopters either won`t know about or have a hard time finding it.