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HappySqurriel said:
DélioPT said:
"will feature a large number of retail games gone digital"

If this means that games already released for PS3 and Xbox 360 will be available online i will be a happy man! :)

I think it just means that they are (probably) aiming to have "most" games that are released on disc made available online ...

Depending on how the fees are structured for digital sales, this could be a fairly easy sell for Nintendo; and digital sales could be a huge benefit to developers (especially smaller studios). With how limited shelf space is for games in most stores, most games only have a few weeks to get the majority of their sales because newer (often more anticipated) titles soon take their shelf space. An additional 100,000 to 250,000 sales to many big franchises over 12 to 24 months may not be that meaningful, but for smaller studios this can make the difference between being a profitable company or not (especially if the developer keeps the lion's share of the former retailer's cut).

I feared it meant only that.
Well, it`s still good. There are old games that it`s really hard, if not impossible, to find in stores. Games that future adopters either won`t know about or have a hard time finding it.